Friday, July 31, 2015

Children and Chiropractic Care - Is It Safe?

The safety of chiropractic care has been a controversial subject throughout the years. People have questioned whether or not spinal manipulations are safe for adults, and it has certainly raised questions and cultivated fear when people talked about giving infants and children chiropractic treatment.

There has been a lot of positive changes in the chiropractic arena. Over the last 100 years, certain groups have been extensively trained and specialize in treating children and infants. The majority of the medical community now deems chiropractic care one of the safest and least evasive form of alternative health care. The question remains, how safe is it to have an infant and/or child treated by a chiropractor and why is it necessary?

Unlike treatment for adults, the techniques chiropractors use on children are modified due to the smaller and more fragile bone structure. Also taken into account is their weight and spinal issue(s). The chiropractor must use gentle pressure as to not damage any bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and/or tendons. This is especially true for infants, where only one finger us used (during an adjustment) to apply pressure.

Why is chiropractic care so important? For infants, the labor and delivery process is physically stressful. Most infants experience pressure on their neck and spine when they are born. This causes trauma, or subluxations, of the tiny vertebra. If they have an adjustment directly after birth, it can prevent them from having spinal and neck problems in the future. Stability of an infant's spine is a major factor in their physical development; therefore, regularly scheduled visits with a pediatric chiropractor is paramount for a child to maintain optimal health.

Chiropractic care for older children is just as important. School age children are extremely active in sports, playing and other physically demanding daily activities. This type of active lifestyle makes them more vulnerable to spinal/neck/back problems. Another major player is the amount of time they spend sitting in classrooms. That coupled with day to day physical activities puts a lot of pressure on the spine which can cause pain/inflammation/subluxations.

What are the most common signs/symptoms? The list of signs and symptoms is quite long, but here are a few that parents should look out for (note that all symptoms and/or signs do not definitively mean s/he has spinal or neck problems):

1. Limited range of motion in neck/spine and joints


3. Chronic ear infections

4. Headaches/migraines

5. Digestive problems

6. Difficulty getting to or staying asleep

7. Autism and learning disabilities

8. Bed-Wetting

9. Frequent colds/illnesses

10. Difficulty breastfeeding

Parents are the first line of defense when it comes to their child's health. They see them every day and can pick up on what is "normal" for their child; therefore, if there is something seems off or out of balance they will be the first to notice. Physicians, including chiropractors, rely on parents to help solve medical issues their child is experiencing.

The key is, if you notice any signs/symptoms that are not "normal" for your child, notify your chiropractor as soon as possible. The earlier you detect any signs/symptoms, the better chance your child has to avoid/lessen any further/future or irreversible damage. If your child is in an accident and suffers any injury, you may not see the damage right away. Injuries can be left undetected for days, months, even years. It is imperative that, directly following any major or minor accident, you get your child into the chiropractors office as quickly as possible.

Children, just like adults, will get an initial consultation and full exam. This will let the chiropractor know what avenue of treatment will be most beneficial to him/her. The initial visit consists of filling out paperwork which includes his/her health history and the family medical history, X-rays and a complete physical exam. The chiropractor will then talk with you and your child about the results (either that day or on the second visit) and devise a treatment plan that is tailored to your child's specific needs.

The amount of sessions us usually less than what an adult would require. A child's body responds better/faster to chiropractic treatment than an adult. To prevent any long-lasting and irreversible medical issues, make an appointment with a chiropractor today. Be sure s/he is licensed in your state, extensively and specially trained in pediatric chiropractic techniques and is highly skilled/experienced in working with children. All parents want their children to have the best and healthiest life possible, so get them started out on the right foot by having a pediatric chiropractor "straighten them out".

The Author agrees with Fitness Expert Dr. Joyce Verdel who has been quoted to say "Chiropractic Helps Athletes And People Working Out, Engaging In A Sport Or Even Just Performing Daily Functions Such As Walking And Sitting, To Operate At Their Peak Levels Of Performance Without Pain. I Highly Recommend That You Pay A Visit To Your Local Chiropractor." More video and article information can be found at [].
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Better Health and a Better You Through Chiropractic Care

"In 2002, approximately 7.4 percent of the population used chiropractic care - a higher percentage than yoga, massage, acupuncture or other diet-based therapies" (Tindle HA, Davis RB, Phillips RS, Eisenberg DM. Trends in use of complementary and alternative medicine by US adults: 1997-2002. Altern Ther Health Med. 2005 Jan-Feb;11(1):42-9.).

This percentage has grown exponentially since 2002. There are numerous benefits for persons of all ages receiving chiropractic care. Although it is recommended that the adjustment should take place right after birth to give the person the best physical and mental start in life, anyone at any age can begin reaping the benefits from this method of medical care. Unlike the traditional approach, chiropractic treatments are drug free and treats the whole body and mind simultaneously for optimal recovery/healing.

Manipulation of the spine and joints not only corrects any misalignment within the body, but aids in other physical and psychological healing as well. Of all the ailments people suffer from, back pain is at the top of the list. According to the American Chiropractic Association, approximately 85% of people will experience back pain at least once in their lifetime. $50 billion is spent each year treating back pain via traditional methods (physical therapy, medications, surgery, etc), making back pain one of the top ten most costly conditions in the U.S. Alone.

Physical benefits of chiropractic care outweighs the traditional competition by leaps and bounds. The treatment that is most effective (and most frequently used) is called a 'chiropractic adjustment' or 'spinal adjustment'. These adjustments are used to relieve pain in muscles/joints, reduce muscle spasms, and help the patient recover from motor vehicle accidents or an injuries. It can also increase mobility, coordination, energy, blood flow and homeostasis, and shorten the amount of recovery time of a illness or surgery.

Psychological benefits are equal to the physical benefits patients receive. Some of these benefits are improvement in memory and concentration, less anxiety, decreased sleeplessness, and a reduction in the chance for an individual to develop depression or to possibly eliminate a patients current depression symptoms.

Each bodily system such as the central nervous system, endocrine system, digestion, the cardiovascular system, pulmonary system, and even the male and female sexual organs, are affected in a positive and healthy way when chiropractic treatment is used in rehabilitation plans.

Chiropractic care is not limited to civilian hospitals and clinics. The VA hospitals routinely use chiropractors for a variety of reasons. They utilize this service in cases such as relieving pain due to combat related injuries, PTSD, or veterans with diabetes. This form of treatment is immediately, and more importantly months or even years down the road, cost effective for both the patient and the insurance companies. Chiropractic care treats the person as a whole not just the symptoms. Studies show that patients are more successful in the rehabilitation of physical, mental, and emotional issues/conditions with this method as opposed to traditional medical care.

Chiropractic care can also reduce a patient's need for prescription medication. More and more Americans are relying on, and even becoming dependent on, pain and symptom relief via medication. Every pill you ingest has side effects. It can range from heartburn to heart attacks/strokes and even death. Chiropractic treatment is drug free, has a higher success rate, relief is felt (on some level) after every session, and signs/symptoms are less likely (if at all) to return or gaining new signs/symptoms after the use of chiropractic care. Sometimes it may be necessary to add massage therapy and acupuncture to the treatment plan for a more favorable rehabilitative outcome. These three treatments are the most healthy alternative to traditional western medicine practices.

A lot of patients ask, "Should I abandon traditional methods of health care and completely switch over to chiropractic treatments for my condition"? As with any medical decision, talk with your primary care provider before changing any medical routine. Discuss your wishes to make the change and have him/her help you to choose a chiropractor that will meet all your medical needs.

The practice of chiropractic treatments have been around at least since 2700 BC in China, and 1500 BC in Greece. This method of medical care has lasted throughout the ages and is a proven method of treating and preventing a plethora of conditions (mental and physical). This information, along with statistics, should help aid you on your quest for medical treatment that is healthy for both your body and mind.

The Author agrees with Fitness Expert Dr. Joyce Verdel who has been quoted to say "Chiropractic Helps Athletes And People Working Out, Engaging In A Sport Or Even Just Performing Daily Functions Such As Walking And Sitting, To Operate At Their Peak Levels Of Performance Without Pain. I Highly Recommend That You Pay A Visit To Your Local Chiropractor." More video and article information can be found at
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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chiropractic Care As Your Best Option

Chiropractic care is a profession that treats musculoskeletal problems trough manual therapy and spine manipulation. Chiropractic care mostly deals with spinal problems and back pains. Spine manipulation, although it sounds painful, is the primary approach, but chiropractic also deals with joints, muscles and the overall framework of the body.

Chiropractic comes from the Greek word "cheir" which means hand and "praxis" which is action. Combined, chiropractic literally means "done by hand" or "treatment by hand". Chiropractors are the professionals who practice chiropractic profession. They are licensed by the state and are required to undergo formal education before practicing the chosen profession.

Modern chiropractic started in 1800s when Daniel David Palmer performed the first spinal manipulation on a patient. Chiropractic went far after that and became the third largest medical field and the largest in complementary and alternative medicine. Currently, there are more than 50,000 licensed chiropractors in United States alone. They are even incorporated and included in the U.S. military health system.

Chiropractors nowadays are not only knowledgeable in treating musculoskeletal disorders but are also involved in nutrition and healthy lifestyle counselling. Chiropractors nowadays, also know something about physiotherapy, herbal therapy, heat/cold therapy acupuncture, exercise programs and other methods of instruction. They also include this kind of treatment in their treatment methods.

The Philosophy Behind

There are two basic concepts that chiropractic practitioners follow: (1) the body functions according to its structure and condition, and (2) health and healing relies on the interaction between the mind and the body.

An example would be when the spine is in its abnormal position. This could result to some nerves in the spine to get irritated and therefore can lead to back pain and muscle pain. The functionality of the spine can get affected, thus the whole body framework gets affected. This is the reason why it is important for chiropractic to reposition the spine to alleviate any physical discomforts.

This is why there is less emphasis on surgery, the body can heal through the patient's ability to recuperate, healthy lifestyle and environment. With chiropractic, illnesses can be cured by understanding not only the symptoms but also the reason for the illness to totally remove the sickness. Chiropractic also relies on the hands-on approach and is patient-centered.

A chiropractic professional should not only be good with the medical profession, but also employs critical thinking, open-mindedness and appreciation of the natural order of things. It is also important for chiropractic clinics to have a conducive environment where patients will be encouraged to recover and function properly.

Chiropractic Benefits

Most patients of chiropractic care would have back pains, arthritis, muscle stiffness, muscle spasms and other problems. Pain is relieved and the patient can move better. Joints and tissues would heal and pain would leave. A new chiropractic patient may find the treatment painful at first. A body which has been out of line for a long time may feel different the fits time it has been put into place.

Patients who have undergone chiropractic treatment would say that they would feel more energy, sleep better at night, lesser stress and tension. There are patients who prefer to have chiropractic care over medical treatments since it is perfectly natural, involves no drugs and needles and affordable.

Patients also choose chiropractic care because it is safe. Since there are no drugs used in the treatment, there is less possibility that the patient would get addicted to medication. Surveys also showed that malpractice among chiropractors is considerably lower compared to medical practitioners.

Other exceptional benefits of chiropractic care include:
  • Improved immunity and overall health
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Improved posture
  • Improve spinal structure and makes spinal disks healthier
  • Shows significant effects on slowing down the aging process
Chiropractic also showed a great help among pregnant women. Chiropractic adjustments showed that it could help expectant mothers to deliver easily. There are also studies showing that pregnant women who have undergone chiropractic adjustments can decrease their labor time by 50 percent.

Another great advantage of getting chiropractic care is that the pain relief can be instant. You get to be relieved from nagging and recurring problems like back pains, indigestion and neck pain. Cures to these diseases can be found in chiropractic and are not present in any other kind of medicine.

Harry Williams is based in Peoria, IL. He has used the services of Dr. Dan Joseph, and seen really good results in ending his pain. His chiropractic office offers a Free Consultation from the Peoria IL Chiropractor Doctor. End your pain today with help from your Peoria IL Chiropractor Doctor.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

7 Key Reasons To Seek Chiropractic Care

Chiropracticis a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Those that use chiropractic care regularly recommend it highly for a variety of reasons. Here are the seven best reasons to find a chiropractor when you aren't feeling your very best.

1. Chiropractic Has Been Proven Safe

Chiropractic is one of the safest therapies available if you are suffering from any neuromusculoskeletal issues such as back, neck, joint, or head pain.

What exactly does safe mean? If you want to talk numbers, then the risk of injury is 1 in 286,000,000, or 0.0002%. Compare that to standard treatments such as medication and surgery where the risk of injury is 1 in 1428. That's right - chiropractic manipulation is that much safer, and as you'll learn later in this report, more effective as well.

The most common issue involving chiropractic isn't an injury at all. It is simply some mild soreness after adjustment. Think about how your muscles feel if you've done something you don't normally do. You feel sore because your muscles, bones, and ligaments have moved in ways they are not used to moving. This is what happens during a chiropractic adjustment but on a minor scale. Any soreness you feel will be gone within 24 hours and most patients feel immediately better with no soreness whatsoever.

Why is chiropractic so safe? There are four main reasons:
  1. Chiropractors have years of schooling with coursework that includes classes on all aspects of the spine.
  2. Chiropractors have been trained, doing clinical work long before becoming licensed.
  3. Chiropractors continue their education long after graduation, completing courses yearly in order to maintain a license to practice.
  4. Finally, and most importantly, a chiropractor's basic philosophy is that the body is capable of healing itself. The purpose of a chiropractor is simply to remove the subluxations, or blockages, that occur in spine so that the body can do its job.
Chiropractic is so safe that agencies unassociated with chiropractic tout its benefits. For instance, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), part of the US Department of Health and Human Services, found that complications are rare. Not only that, they suggest that chiropractic should be used before surgery is considered. And finally, they state that prescription drugs are not recommended for most back pains.

2. Chiropractic Has Been Proven Effective for Pain

If you have pain, chiropractic may be just what you need. Studies in the United States and other parts of the world show that chiropractic manipulations are effective. One study in California found that chiropractic was effective 86% of the time for general lower back pain.

But what of acute lower back pain? A report released by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research recommended chiropractic as the best treatment for this ailment. A study from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the Jefferson County (Missouri) Rehabilitation Centre showed that there was immediate improvement when chiropractic was used to treat acute low back pain.

Study after study has been conducted and study after study has concluded that spinal adjustment is superior to other treatments for acute pain. But chiropractic is beneficial to more than just general, chronic, or acute lower back pain.

Patients of chiropractic seek help for neck pain or discomfort as well. In fact, 19% of patients report neck pain at the first consultation. This pain is usually caused by accident or injury but can also be brought on by every day living.

The modern medical treatment for neck pain is either immobilization or physical therapy. However, studies have shown that spinal adjustments are more effective. For instance, a study done in the Netherlands observed patients receiving one of the three treatments. They found that spinal adjustments improved overall physical functioning more than the other treatments.

Beyond the back and neck, patients often seeks chiropractic care for headaches, including migraines. For chiropractic patients, migraines are often reduced or resolved without using pain killers or other prescription medications. A study was published by chiropractic doctors at University of Odense and the Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and clinical Biochemist in Denmark showing that spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapy allowed for steady improvement.

Many people understand the role of chiropractic in the back, neck, and head because chiropractors are seen as "back doctors." However, chiropractic has proven effective for many other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, infantile colic, and much more.

For pain associated with a variety of conditions, chiropractic is proven effective, often more effective than modern medical treatments. Coupled with the safety of chiropractic, it should be your first choice when dealing with pain.

3. Chiropractic is Less Invasive and Drug Free

If you go to a medical doctor due to neck and back pain, you are likely to be given nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, known as NSAIDS. Although these drugs are given out regularly, they do have significant risks t hat are far greater than the typical issue, soreness, seen with chiropractic.
NSAID risks include:
  • Allergic reactions, some of which can be life threatening
  • Hives or rashes
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Increased risk of stroke
  • Gastrointestinal issues such as bleeding or ulcers
  • Cancer
Another typical treatment is bed rest. But this, too, can cause problems such as muscles atrophy, heart and lung weakness, bone loss, and blood clots.

Let's not forget surgery. Surgery is used for neck and back pain whenever painkillers and bed rest don't work and the risks of surgery are great. They include:
  • Breathing issues due to anesthesia - a patient can quit breathing entirely
  • Blood loss leading to transfusions
  • Cardiovascular risks such as heart attack or stroke
  • Scar tissue
  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Lung collapse
  • Injury to other areas of the body
  • Paralysis
  • Numbness and tingling of parts of the body
  • Swelling and bruising
  • And even death
Chiropractic has none of these risks because it is not invasive. There is no cutting on the body and there is no medication prescribed. To avoid the risks associated with NSAIDS and surgery, chiropractic is an excellent choice.

4. Chiropractic is Less Disruptive to Your Lifestyle

Chiropractic is done on an outpatient basis and has easy recovery, often less than 24 hours of minimal soreness. Consider this in comparison to the recovery of surgery.

After any surgical procedure, the body needs time to repair tissues damaged during the surgery so that the body can return to normal. Surgical recovery is a process that can take time, often long periods of time requiring medication and bed rest. In fact, pushing yourself too hard after surgery will cause setbacks and make your recovery time longer.

Chiropractic, on the other hand, has limited recovery time. At most, chiropractic patients may feel some mild soreness in the area of the manipulation. This soreness is typically gone in a matter of hours, not days or weeks as with surgery.

Additionally, surgical patients that are older, out of shape, overweight, or generally in poor health will take far longer to heal and be ready for every day life. Although different factors will dictate how quickly you are pain free, the ability to resume your lifestyle happens quickly with most patients, often with as little as one manipulation.

5. Chiropractic is Less Expensive

In August 1999, Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BCBS) of Kansas presented a study titled "Lumbago Treatment." When viewed per treatment episode, chiropractic was shown to be more cost effective than anesthesiology, neurosurgery, neurology, registered physical therapy, orthopedic reconstructive surgery, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and rheumatology.

Why so cost effective? Medical doctors and physical therapists rely on:
  • Referrals
  • Prescriptions
  • Surgery
  • MRIs
  • CT scans
  • Hospitalization
Over 50% of the charges are simply for diagnostic procedures and not for actual pain relief.
On the other hand, the majority of chiropractic expense comes from office based treatment with less than 10% of costs arising from diagnostics, typically in the form of spinal x-rays.

A study in the May 2007 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed that chiropractic resulted in a 60.2% reduction in hospital admissions, 59.0% reduction in hospital days, 62.0% reduction in outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 83% reduction pharmaceutical costs when compared with conventional medicine.

By reducing these items, overall costs associated with chiropractic care are significantly less than that of traditional medical care.

6. Chiropractic Helps With Injuries Due to Accidents

Chiropractic is beneficial in treating various injuries such as sprains, pulled muscles, and joint problems due to auto, sports, work, and everyday injuries. The most common injuries due to accidents are:
  • Whiplash
  • Lower back misalignment
  • Upper back and neck misalignment
  • Repetitive motion injuries
Whiplash is the sudden movement that causes distortions to the neck. This type of sudden movement often happens during a car crash, even one at very low speeds. Although you may not initially feel any pain, the vertebrae that move out of place will eventually cause problems with the nerves and cause you pain from misalignment or subluxations. Medical doctors prescribe pain meds and bed rest for whiplash, which may be good for a day or two, but not for the long run. There is no way to remain in bed indefinitely nor is it possible to function regularly on pain medications. A chiropractor will help you with the cause of the problem rather than help you manage the symptoms.

Lower back misalignment can happen suddenly or over a long period of time. For instance, you can improperly lift something heavy resulting in immediate back pain, or you can simply have poor posture that results in back pain over time. The misalignment causes subluxations that can be corrected using chiropractic.

Lower back pain is made up of several different low back problems including:
  • Vertebral subluxations
  • Injured discs
  • Muscle strain
  • Ligament sprain
  • Scoliosis
  • Sciatica
  • And more.
The ability to correct injuries holds true for the upper back and neck as well.
Repetitive Motion Injuries are a fast growing source of pain in the United States often associated with the workplace, particularly sitting at a computer terminal for long periods of time. Repetitive motion injuries cause less oxygen to get into the muscles and this causes scar tissue to develop. Chiropractic releases the subluxations causing the pain.

So, whether your pain is from a car accident or merely sitting incorrectly at work, chiropractic is a way for you to feel better fast.

7. Chiropractic: Because You Live, Move, and Breathe

Because you are alive and move about, you are sure to cause a misalignment of your spine at one time or another. Simple movements such as sitting or bending can cause problems. So can walking, running, stretching, and lifting. In fact, any movement can create a subluxation and subluxations cause pain when left alone. So, if you move, then you can benefit from chiropractic.

Whether you are out running every day or see yourself more as a couch potato, chiropractic can be beneficial to you. It is the most effective natural healthcare available. And, as you've learned, it is safe, effective, non-invasive, inexpensive, and great for any injuries you may have. If you live, move, or breathe, you should have a doctor of Chiropractic as a member of your personal health care team.

Teri Clark is a published author in the field of real estate, finance, and investing. Her interest in the new and different has also led to a successful online writing career. Teri has mastered the process of electronic virtual collaboration allowing her to produce nearly 100 books as an editor, researcher, freelance writer, and author. Of her five published books through Atlantic Publishing, Private Mortgage Investing won an Honorable Mention in Foreword Magazine's 2006 Book of the Year Award and 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought was a Finalist in the 2007 USA Best Books Awards, as well as an Eric Hoffer Award winner. To learn more about Teri and how her professional writing skills can help your business grow, visit
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Sunday, July 19, 2015

How My Chiropractic Business Is Changing

Dr. Bejan Pazdel talks about how his chiropractic business has change over the last 20 plus years and how he would not have guessed the things he does today to help so many more people to feel good and have more wellness.

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Why Chiropractic Care? 5 Reasons To See A Chiropractor

If you have not tried Chiropractic care yet, it might be because your first choice when you need medical care is the status quo. You probably don't know much about chiropractic care and what it can offer you. Like most people, you probably call your general practitioner for an appointment no matter what is wrong with you. Headache, backache, joint aches, allergies... You call your normal physician without giving it any thought at all. But the truth is you can get a lot of expert care from your chiropractor.

Here are five reasons to go to a chiropractor.

Chiropractic care costs less - Americans suffering from back pain spend over 60 billion dollars a year trying to seek relief, most of it unproductive. Several workers compensation board studies found that chiropractic care reduced medical costs by almost 30% compared with conventional care for back pain. Studies by Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) show that more of the money you spend with a chiropractor goes to patient care.

It works - Studies show that chiropractic care for back pain is less expensive and more successful than other forms of treatment. In addition, chiropractors can get you back to work faster by avoiding drugs and surgery. Studies show that for long term relief from pain, chiropractic care works better than drug therapy without the side effects and chiropractic does it faster.

More than backs - Aside from back pain, you can get medical attention for headache, joint pain, allergies, smoking cessation, nutritional counseling, and overall wellbeing. Many chiropractors can do sports physicals and general employment physicals for less than you can get them done with your general practitioner. Chiropractors look at the whole picture, not just one symptom to find a treatment that will work best for you.

Avoids invasive procedures - Chiropractors do not like invasive procedures so we seek to treat a patient in such a way as to avoid surgery. The fact is, surgery doesn't work as well as you might think it does. Surgery costs a lot of money and caries a risk of infection, side effects and other unsavory problems. Chiropractors seek to fix the origin of the problem, rather than treat only the symptoms.

Health insurance often covers it - Fortunately, many chiropractic procedures are covered by your health insurance. We all know that insurance companies like to find reasons not to pay for something so the fact that insurance companies see the value in chiropractic care is more assurance that chiropractic care is effective.

And now I'd like to invite you to visit my website at [] where I will answer your questions about Chiropractic Care, Nutrition & Homeopathy, Laser Therapy, Smoking Cessation, Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy (NSRT) and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF). Dr. Wendy Butler, owner of Active Life Family Chiropractic & Wellness, was born and raised in Albany, GA. After graduating from the University of Georgia in 1995, she attended chiropractic college in Marietta, GA and graduated in 1999. Since that time she has dedicated her life to helping people live healthier lives.
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Monday, July 13, 2015

How & Why I Became a Chiropractor

Dr. Bejan Pazdel talks about how he became a Chiropractor. He, like many people who have never experienced a chiropractor had images of back and neck cracking, and other wild and potentially harmful things. And, like most people, once he tried it and saw the results, he was so excited about how that happened that he decided that was what he wanted to do.

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Chiropractic Treatment Is Suitable For The Elderly

Chiropractic care focus on the connection between the musculoskeletal structure and the body functions with special regards to the spinal area. Our nervous system is responsible for controlling the functions of other organs, muscles, and body systems. The nerves and the nerve roots are connected from the brain into a vast muscular bundle widely known as the spinal nerve. It travels along the spine and branch out in the spinal vertebrae. These vertebrae connect the various body parts and organs towards the spine. Any condition that pinch the nerves, such as trauma, pressure, or spinal misalignments, can cause disruption of the function of the nervous system.

It is not surprising that as we get older, our body functions begin to deteriorate. Our muscles respond slower and shrink. Our body has less than the body requirement for fluids. Our bones lose density and become more brittle. The elderly are much more prone to musculoskeletal injuries. When they get injured, they take a longer recovery period. If they seek medical treatment, their age can mean they become more sensitive to the side effects of medications and surgery puts them at far more risk.

Given this set of conditions, medication-free and noninvasive chiropractic treatment is preferably suited to older people. In working with the elderly, DCs make use of gentle techniques appropriate to the aging body. Ongoing wellness and preventive care are essential elements of treatment. This may include recommendations on exercise, nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

At present, chiropractic care is the third largest health care system that provides a safe and effective treatment for pain due to spinal misalignments. Since many health problems are linked with irregularities in the spine, chiropractic is very efficient in dealing with these various conditions. Chiropractors are specially trained to identify and treat subluxations. According to them, these subluxations cause unfavorable disturbances with your nervous system. Anti-inflammatory medication regimen and other pain relievers only mask the symptoms, may cause unwanted side effects, and do not deal with the real cause of the problem. Chiropractic care provides a drug-free, pain-free, and safe treatment that takes care of the root of the problem.

Do you know that musculoskeletal injuries due to falling are very common among our elderly? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are responsible for about 90% of the 850,000 bone fractures which happen every year among Americans past the age of 65. DCs can reduce the incidence of falling by using chiropractic adjustments to stabilize the mechanoreceptors located on the cervical spine. Additionally, they will provide instructions on how to do stretching and exercise to increase overall flexibility, mobility, balance, coordination, and strength.

Chiropractic adjustments for the elderly can enhance the range of motion of the spine and extremities. For the elderly, this would allow them to bend and lift up their young grandchildren. They can also do much more activities without experiencing any pain. It can absolutely enhance their daily functions. Oftentimes, increased range of motion is immediately observed after a few sessions of chiropractic rehabilitation.

Our bodies are designed to function and move. It allows us to do various activities and go to different places. As we get older, all those movable body parts eventually wear down. For this reason, it is important for the elderly to have their spine aligned properly. Chiropractors, such as professionals from Chiropractic Colorado Springs, normalize the alignment of the spine and reduce any strain on it to decrease spinal deterioration and other aches and pains.

Chiropractic therapy can help lessen pain, improve joint function, enhance mobility, increase balance and coordination, and decrease stiffness. Although it's not truly a fountain of youth, chiropractic can do wonders in improving your comfort and quality of life.

Want to find out more about Chiropractic Care, then visit the site to get more information about the wonders of chiropractic care.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why Come To Pazdel Chiropractic?

Dr. Bejan Pazdel casually talks about what sets them apart and besides the goal of achieving more wellness, he thinks of his patients as family.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Famous Athletes Who Use Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic treatment is commonly prescribed to treat neuromusculoskeletal problems including neck pain, back pain, pain in arm or leg joints, and headaches. Chiropractors take a hands-on approach to treatment that is free of drugs and invasive procedures. They examine, diagnose, and treat people from all walks of life including individuals who have achieved notoriety. Many famous athletes have benefitted from chiropractic care that treats injuries and other conditions.

How Some Athletes Feel About Chiropractic Care

Spinal manipulation, sometimes called chiropractic adjustment, is the most common therapeutic procedure performed by a chiropractor. Controlled force is manually applied to joints whose movement has been restricted due to a tissue injury. A single trauma or repetitive stresses can cause this injury and manipulation intends to restore mobility to affected joints.

An Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon, Dan O'Brien believes that chiropractic treatment is "absolutely essential" to the sport of track and field. He recommends alignment for healing and competing at full potential. Former Dallas Cowboys running back, big game champion, and MVP Emmitt Smith used chiropractic treatment throughout his football career to balance his body and ensure that it functioned properly. Fellow champion football player Jerry Rice called chiropractic the "key" to helping him remain in the game.

Former professional bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger used chiropractic to prevent injuries during his athletic career. Before heading into the boxing ring, four-time Heavy Weight World Champion Evander Holyfield had a chiropractic adjustment. To improve his athletic performance, he visited a chiropractor three times a week. Major League Baseball outfielder and first baseman Johnny Damon stated that chiropractic helps him play consistently throughout the baseball season.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care Extend to Cycling and Golf

It may not be surprising to learn that chiropractic benefits runners, boxers, weight lifters, and football and baseball players. These sports are known for their strenuous activities. However, cycling and golf are also demanding on the body, particularly when competing at the professional level. Former professional cyclist and Tour de France veteran Lance Armstrong considered a chiropractor one of the most important men on his team.

Tiger Woods has won many competitions during his golf career including 14 PGA championships. He believes that chiropractic treatment and lifting weights have made him a better athlete. Woods called regular chiropractic treatments are as important to his training process as is practicing his swing. If these athletes benefit from chiropractic therapy, so can the average person.

If you are an athlete looking for Lake in the Hills chiropractic care, look no further than We have been serving the local area for years and have helped dozens of athletes with injuries. If you would like more information about our treatment options or set up an appointment, click here.
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