Thursday, April 27, 2017

Concussion and Treating Lingering Effects

Dr. Pazdel talks about concussion, what it is, many of the symptoms that may point toward it and how the lingering effects can often affect the neck causing pain, stiffness, and more. This is where chiropractic treatment may be of great benefit to return to full health.

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Monday, April 24, 2017

Chiropractic Is An Excellent Option For Headaches

Headaches are very common and most everyone will have one at some point in their lifetime. Some headaches are worse than others. Some are mild that involve a dull, ache and others are debilitating that may have accompanying nausea or dizziness. Many people deal with headaches by popping a pill and hoping that the pain goes away.
There is a better way, studies show that spinal manipulation is an effective treatment option without the side effects that come with medication. Chiropractic is especially beneficial for headaches that originate in the neck or shoulders such as tension type headaches. Most headaches that people have are tension type. Spinal manipulation has proven to show immediate improvement of headaches following just one treatment.
Several different triggers are known to bring on headaches. A few of these include noise, food, stress, exercising too much and changes in blood sugar levels. Abnormal posture over a period of time is known to cause problems in the neck and shoulder and lead to tension type headaches. People are sedentary in our day in age and spend many hours in a fixed position doing activities such as reading, sitting at the computer or watching television.
When doing these activities it is important to take breaks to stretch and move around. It is most beneficial to get up and move around at least every half hour. Moderate exercise such as walking has also proven to be beneficial to help prevent headaches and relieve stress. Drinking plenty of water is also important which helps to prevent dehydration which is another cause of headaches.
Spinal manipulation helps to restore normal motion and function in the joints and helps to remove abnormal pressure on the nervous system. This helps to prevent tight muscles in the neck and shoulders which are controlled by the nervous system. In addition to spinal manipulation, chiropractors also perform therapy modalities to help heal injured muscle and soft tissue which can lead to tension type headaches. Chiropractors also provide nutritional advice and recommendations for diet changes to help prevent and relieve headaches. They provide instruction to avoid poor posture habits.
Chiropractors are specially trained to help with various problems in the body, not just back pain. Spinal problems can lead to a wide range of problems in the body. Spinal manipulation helps to reduce nerve irritation which leads to dysfunction and disease in the body. Spinal manipulation helps to restore proper function allowing the body to do what it knows best, heal itself.

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Friday, April 21, 2017

Chiropractics - A Natural Method For Curing Your Common Ailments

Many people have ailments that they want to get rid of. If you would like to use more natural methods of curing some of your problems, then perhaps trying chiropractics would work for you.
Many people have certain ailments that they are trying to mitigate. Perhaps your vertebra is not properly aligned, which have been known to cause some diseases and illnesses and some pains in your body. Many people use chiropractic techniques as an alternative way to treat some of these pains. The individual applies some pressure to the vertebrae and then they replace themselves.
After a few sessions, you should feel better. Many people prefer chiropractics over traditional medicines because those medications can produce side effects which can be dangerous and uncomfortable for the person. These medications can also be considered addictive.
Most professionals are worried about health, stress and your overall lifestyle. These methods have been used to solve problems such as asthma and other respiratory problems, migraines, back problems and overall stress.
Most people agree that this treatment is safe and can be very economical and many times these techniques are covered by insurance. However, before trying them, make sure you check with your insurance company.
Before you try chiropractics, make sure you talk to your general doctor and see if you are physically fit and healthy.
Discuss with your doctor your particular ailment and see if they would suggest you go to a chiropractic specialist. If he or she gives you an okay, then you should try a few sessions. Remember to be patient because many times you will not be cured after just one session.
If you are considering the procedure, then make sure you find a professional who you can trust. You may want to ask some friends or some relatives to see if they have worked with some good chiropractic. You can also do some research on the internet, in the phone book or in medical magazines to.
You may want to go in for a consultation to learn more about their practice. If you do not have a good feeling about the doctor or the environment, then leave. Although this is not an invasive procedure, you can still get injured if the person does not know what they are doing.
If you suffer from an ailment and have tried a lot of remedies, to no avail, then perhaps you should try chiropractics. If you go to a professional that has experience, then you may feel better.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Can Babies Benefit? | Chiropractic Care

Labor and delivery is a marathon for the mother and the baby as well. There's an enormous amount of stress put on the baby's musculoskeletal system during even a normal birth process. But very often there are interventions done in the birth process, like vacuum extraction or induction or, of course, C-section. As chiropractors we understand that they put extra stress on the baby's gentle musculoskeletal system. We very gently examine babies for restrictions of range of motion and imbalances in the musculoskeletal system. And with just a very gentle touch, we're able to adjust the baby and restore the normal function of the joints and the surrounding muscles.

Babies are young, and they don't have very longstanding patterns in their body. So checking a baby soon after it's born could go a long way to just eliminating these patterns in their body forever. The work we do on babies is gentle. We usually keep babies dressed. Often they're lying on the chiropractic table on their back, sometimes on their tummy. Sometimes we'll even have them lie on their mom or have their mother hold the baby, or we'll hold the baby while we gently examine or adjust the spine. The work we do on babies is gentle, and babies usually like it. It's not painful to them at all, and they get very relaxed. Some babies even fall asleep.

Parents report that their babies sleep much more deeply. They'll sleep for longer periods of time. It's very helpful with nursing problems, either babies that are having trouble latching on or babies that have a very weak latch or babies having trouble nursing on one side or the other. That's why so many lactation consultants refer their new babies to me when they're having difficulties nursing.

Mothers also report that after chiropractic care, their digestive systems become more normal. We see less reflux, less constipation. And many mothers report that when their children are under regular chiropractic care, they have less colds and ear infections as well.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Chiropractic For Shoulder And Neck Pain

Neck pain is common today and affects most people at some time in their lives. In fact, two thirds of the population will experience neck pain during their lives. Healthcare professionals often refer to neck pain as cervicalgia. It is common for those with neck pain to have accompanied pain in one or both shoulders.
This is because the nerves that exit the spine in the neck also go to the shoulders and down into the arms and hands. Because of this, neck problems can refer pain into the shoulders, arms and hands. Neck pain may be the result of poor posture, muscles strain, whiplash or spinal disease to name a few. Even mental or emotional stress will lead to neck pain.
Two of the main functions of the neck are to provide stability and support for the head and to allow the head to turn and bend. The upper part of the cervical spine or neck provides most of the range of motion in the neck. The lower part of the neck and upper back are built more to provide support and strength. When spinal bones become misaligned in the neck, it will result in a loss of normal range of motion and can also damage surrounding soft tissue. The muscles of the neck can become strained. If misaligned spinal bones are not corrected, degenerative changes may occur in the neck.
Some neck problems may be more serious than others, especially if the nerves or discs in the neck have become injured. Warning signals of a more serious problem may include referred pain or numbness in the shoulders, arms or hands. It is also possible to have a loss of grip strength. At times, neck problems may be overlooked as the symptoms are presented in the arms and hands but not the neck. It is important to examine the neck when there is shooting pain, numbness or loss of grip strength.
Slouching and other poor posture habits are a major cause of neck pain. People often practice poor postural habits when working at the computer, reading or watching TV. It is easy to slouch with these activities. When slouching is done for long periods of time, the spine will become misaligned. The natural curves in the spine will be affected.
Chiropractic is a great option for neck and shoulder pain. Chiropractors are well trained to work with the musculoskeletal system and can identify and treat neck and shoulder problems. Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation to correct misaligned spinal bones and remove nerve interference. People often report better movement in their neck following chiropractic treatment. Pain and numbness felt in the arms or hands often goes away because chiropractic adjustments remove the nerve interference.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Popping Sound During Joint Adjustment | Chiropractic Care

Everybody wants to know what the popping sound is when you get adjusted chiropractically. And chiropractors adjust synovial joints and synovial joints is an area where two bones almost touch. It's surrounded by a joint capsule that's filled with fluid called synovial fluid.

And when chiropractors adjust, we simply stretch the joint capsule. We open up an area that's restricted. We restore range of motion. And when we stretch right to where it's restricted, you hear that little release sound. It's not from the bones. Nothing is breaking. It's not the bones. Don't even touch each other. It's actually from gas in the synovial fluid being released. It doesn't hurt and it actually lets us know that the adjustment's taken place. And it has some very profoundly positive effects on your body.

A chiropractic adjustment does several things all at once. It restores range of motion where range of motion was restricted. It restores normal nerve function so that there's no longer nerve irritation. It relaxes the muscles right adjacent to that vertebrae so that you have profound muscle relaxation. It even causes endorphins to be released right at the level of the vertebrae so that it reduces pain. So in one fell swoop, we've now corrected the problem that was causing the issue, and we've reduced all of the symptoms associated with it at the same time.

So Chiropractic adjustment and that popping sound is a very elegant form of healing.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Benefits of Good Posture - Murat Dalkilinç

Has anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying—but they’re not wrong. Your posture is the foundation for every movement your body makes and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it. Murat Dalkilinç gives the pros of good posture.

Lesson by Murat Dalkilinç, animation by Nadav Arbel.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Children and Chiropractic Care - Is It Safe?

The safety of chiropractic care has been a controversial subject throughout the years. People have questioned whether or not spinal manipulations are safe for adults, and it has certainly raised questions and cultivated fear when people talked about giving infants and children chiropractic treatment.

There has been a lot of positive changes in the chiropractic arena. Over the last 100 years, certain groups have been extensively trained and specialize in treating children and infants. The majority of the medical community now deems chiropractic care one of the safest and least evasive form of alternative health care. The question remains, how safe is it to have an infant and/or child treated by a chiropractor and why is it necessary?

Unlike treatment for adults, the techniques chiropractors use on children are modified due to the smaller and more fragile bone structure. Also taken into account is their weight and spinal issue(s). The chiropractor must use gentle pressure as to not damage any bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and/or tendons. This is especially true for infants, where only one finger us used (during an adjustment) to apply pressure.

Why is chiropractic care so important? For infants, the labor and delivery process is physically stressful. Most infants experience pressure on their neck and spine when they are born. This causes trauma, or subluxations, of the tiny vertebra. If they have an adjustment directly after birth, it can prevent them from having spinal and neck problems in the future. Stability of an infant's spine is a major factor in their physical development; therefore, regularly scheduled visits with a pediatric chiropractor is paramount for a child to maintain optimal health.

Chiropractic care for older children is just as important. School age children are extremely active in sports, playing and other physically demanding daily activities. This type of active lifestyle makes them more vulnerable to spinal/neck/back problems. Another major player is the amount of time they spend sitting in classrooms. That coupled with day to day physical activities puts a lot of pressure on the spine which can cause pain/inflammation/subluxations.

What are the most common signs/symptoms? The list of signs and symptoms is quite long, but here are a few that parents should look out for (note that all symptoms and/or signs do not definitively mean s/he has spinal or neck problems):

1. Limited range of motion in neck/spine and joints


3. Chronic ear infections

4. Headaches/migraines

5. Digestive problems

6. Difficulty getting to or staying asleep

7. Autism and learning disabilities

8. Bed-Wetting

9. Frequent colds/illnesses

10. Difficulty breastfeeding

Parents are the first line of defense when it comes to their child's health. They see them every day and can pick up on what is "normal" for their child; therefore, if there is something seems off or out of balance they will be the first to notice. Physicians, including chiropractors, rely on parents to help solve medical issues their child is experiencing.

The key is, if you notice any signs/symptoms that are not "normal" for your child, notify your chiropractor as soon as possible. The earlier you detect any signs/symptoms, the better chance your child has to avoid/lessen any further/future or irreversible damage. If your child is in an accident and suffers any injury, you may not see the damage right away. Injuries can be left undetected for days, months, even years. It is imperative that, directly following any major or minor accident, you get your child into the chiropractors office as quickly as possible.

Children, just like adults, will get an initial consultation and full exam. This will let the chiropractor know what avenue of treatment will be most beneficial to him/her. The initial visit consists of filling out paperwork which includes his/her health history and the family medical history, X-rays and a complete physical exam. The chiropractor will then talk with you and your child about the results (either that day or on the second visit) and devise a treatment plan that is tailored to your child's specific needs.

The amount of sessions us usually less than what an adult would require. A child's body responds better/faster to chiropractic treatment than an adult. To prevent any long-lasting and irreversible medical issues, make an appointment with a chiropractor today. Be sure s/he is licensed in your state, extensively and specially trained in pediatric chiropractic techniques and is highly skilled/experienced in working with children. All parents want their children to have the best and healthiest life possible, so get them started out on the right foot by having a pediatric chiropractor "straighten them out".

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Monday, April 3, 2017

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustment : Principles of Chiropractic Care

Learn the basics of chiropractic treatment in this free chiropractic overview video from an experienced chiropractor.