Friday, March 29, 2019

The Chiropractic Approach to Health and Wellness

Chiropractic is a natural science devoted to overall health and wellness through a holistic and integrated approach. Its focus is on the function and biomechanics of the body, particularly the neuromusculoskeletal system which includes nerves, muscles, bones, and joints.

Spinal health and well-being play a major role in the overall health of the body. The body's systems are all interconnected, thus proper spinal mechanics including alignment of vertebrae and the health of corresponding nerves and soft tissue provide a foundation for health and wellness.

Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are trained to diagnose and treat disorders of the body as well as provide proactive care to help prevent injuries and ailments. Chiropractic is an all natural healthcare practice that integrates many approaches to help rehabilitate patients and provide a path for optimum wellness. Chiropractors are most commonly known for the chiropractic adjustment, a specific hands-on technique to correct joint dysfunction. An adjustment realigns the misaligned joint and causes a neurological response, resolving pain and inflammation and restoring function and mobility. Misalignments do not have to occur from a sudden injury or accident; they can appear over time due to repetitive stresses, postural habits, or work factors. When misalignments do occur, they can begin to cause a myriad of pain and dysfunction throughout the body. Chiropractic, though manual adjustments and other modalities including but not limited to therapeutic exercises, heat and ice therapy, ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, disc decompression therapy, acupuncture, and more, help restore health and bring the body back into a state of well-being.

The benefits of chiropractic treatment are invaluable and the conditions chiropractic can help are numerous. Some of the most popular conditions treated by chiropractic are sports-related injuries, work injuries, injuries from auto accidents, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, joint pain, headaches, migraines, allergies, asthma, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia disorder, pregnancy-related care, and more. Approximately 21 million Americans regularly benefit from chiropractic care.

Chiropractic puts the body on a healthy track. When everything is in alignment, the body's systems can function freely and effectively. People who use chiropractic often find they have more energy, less tension, sleep better, and feel more focused. The chiropractic approach to health and wellness greatly improves the quality of their lives and allows them to focus on a positive lifestyle.

A consultation with a chiropractor can help you join the millions of Americans who are already reaping the health benefits of chiropractic care.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

History of Chiropractic | Chiropractic Care

Learn about the history of chiropractic from Dr. Karen Erickson in this Howcast video.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Why Chiropractic Care? 5 Reasons To See A Chiropractor

If you have not tried Chiropractic care yet, it might be because your first choice when you need medical care is the status quo. You probably don't know much about chiropractic care and what it can offer you. Like most people, you probably call your general practitioner for an appointment no matter what is wrong with you. Headache, backache, joint aches, allergies... You call your normal physician without giving it any thought at all. But the truth is you can get a lot of expert care from your chiropractor.

Here are five reasons to go to a chiropractor.

Chiropractic care costs less - Americans suffering from back pain spend over 60 billion dollars a year trying to seek relief, most of it unproductive. Several workers compensation board studies found that chiropractic care reduced medical costs by almost 30% compared with conventional care for back pain. Studies by Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) show that more of the money you spend with a chiropractor goes to patient care.

It works - Studies show that chiropractic care for back pain is less expensive and more successful than other forms of treatment. In addition, chiropractors can get you back to work faster by avoiding drugs and surgery. Studies show that for long term relief from pain, chiropractic care works better than drug therapy without the side effects and chiropractic does it faster.

More than backs - Aside from back pain, you can get medical attention for headache, joint pain, allergies, smoking cessation, nutritional counseling, and overall wellbeing. Many chiropractors can do sports physicals and general employment physicals for less than you can get them done with your general practitioner. Chiropractors look at the whole picture, not just one symptom to find a treatment that will work best for you.

Avoids invasive procedures - Chiropractors do not like invasive procedures so we seek to treat a patient in such a way as to avoid surgery. The fact is, surgery doesn't work as well as you might think it does. Surgery costs a lot of money and carries a risk of infection, side effects, and other unsavory problems. Chiropractors seek to fix the origin of the problem, rather than treat only the symptoms.

Health insurance often covers it - Fortunately, many chiropractic procedures are covered by your health insurance. We all know that insurance companies like to find reasons not to pay for something so the fact that insurance companies see the value in chiropractic care is more assurance that chiropractic care is effective.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Maximizing Your Health - The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The continued rise in the usage of chiropractic care has been ongoing. Studies continue to demonstrate the numbers rising and the increase of people using chiropractic health care. In one issue of American Journal of Public Health, a study was published entitled "Use of Chiropractic Services from 1895 through 1991 in the United States and Canada". The conclusion of this study was that the number of visits to chiropractors has more than doubled in the past 20 years. Many recommend this particular treatment method due to the non-invasive approach and its insistence on awakening the body's natural ability to heal and become healthier, stronger and more resilient.

The Healing Benefits Of Chiropractic

Most people in their everyday lives have things happen that affect their bodies. Dysfunction in their musculoskeletal system can benefit from chiropractic care. From pain relief, injury rehabilitation, optimal athletic performance, aging, and improved immune function. These are all some the benefits a person may undergo when they have misaligned spine, back, or neck. For people who need to be physically active for their work, sport and daily responsibilities, the presence of such dysfunction disables them from performing well. This is due to the fact that any form of movement on the traumatized area of the body can result in stress and possibly more damage causing more pain and discomfort.

Regardless of the cause of your initial pain and problems, among the many benefits research shows you may enjoy as a result of chiropractic care are as follows:

• better movement and improved circulation

• lower levels of lactic acid

• higher oxygenation and better nutrient delivery to cells

• increased flexibility

• improved comfort and decrease or elimination of pain

• Faster recovery time

• Reduced muscle spasm

• Prevention of future injury and improved immune function

• More relaxed feeling

The Overall Approach

If you want to enhance the benefits of chiropractic care, it is best to combine your efforts with an overall approach to your health and well being. Health is not merely the absence of pain and symptoms. If you have ever had a cavity, you know that by the time the pain shows up, the damage to your tooth is already there. The healthier you are, and the healthier you become the greater the potential benefits of your chiropractic care. Minimize dis-ease and maximize your health. The relief from any pressure or source of discomfort and irritation will allow your body to attain maximum mobility and better performance.

Some general recommendations to develop a routine and get the maximum health benefits are the following:

• Keep your body properly hydrated.

• Follow a healthy nutritional plan, including lots of raw organic foods and leafy greens.

• Do some stretching exercises or develop a healthy exercise routine.

· Maximise your oxygen intake through some forms of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Additional Benefits of Chiropractic Care

There is still a small percentage of the population who have misconceptions about the benefits of chiropractic care. However, research continues to be done, changing these perceptions and gradually more of the scientific community are showing greater interest in the healing potential that chiropractic may represent. One of the misconceptions being that it is not a valid form of treatment and is used only for mild cases of back pain, headaches, and the like. However, chiropractic adjustments are being researched to investigate the benefits even to those suffering from extreme cases of spinal or vertebral misalignment and other health problems.

Many chiropractors have patients who have benefited beyond musculoskeletal problems, these include:

• women may have improved comfort during pregnancy and labor

• minimize the risk of scoliosis in an infant and improve their postural development.

• Improved immune function and resilience possibly preventing asthma, ear infection, bedwetting, among other things.

• more energy, productivity and physical stamina in adults

• For senior individuals, they attain better balance, improved sleeping and prevent injury from falls.

Some of the results and benefits reported from patients who have undergone chiropractic care include the following:

• Improved immune and nervous system function

• greater vitality

• improved breathing and exercising

• improved digestion and bowel function

• improved vision

• Improved overall health.

Study and research continue as we look at the cause of health and the benefits of chiropractic care!

Following chiropractic adjustments, your body may start to improve movement and alignment of the spine and spinal structures. In many cases, a patient will immediately experience relief for a problem soon after undergoing chiropractic care. Restoring and building health from the inside is one of the advantages of opting for chiropractic care over surgical or medical procedures that often require a long recovery period. In other cases, if the damage or misalignment is more severe, a person may be sore and still achy aftercare. Some people may take longer to heal and demonstrate improvement, they may also need to make other lifestyle improvements to maximize their health and wellbeing along with improved pain-free movement.

If you approach your health from the perspective of a way of life, and give your body and mind the essentials for maximizing your health, chiropractic care may be a key ingredient.

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

How Effective Is Chiropractic Treatment for Work Comp Injuries?

Work-related injuries have always been known for costing fortunes as can be illustrated by the loss of millions of dollars each year due to lost work days and heavy compensations to workers. Considering the lost productivity of business and heavy loss of revenue due to medical care, it has become a serious concern of the businesses and governments in various countries to identify the best and cheapest mode of treatment for injured workers. Therefore, a number of researches have been conducted in several countries to identify the least expensive and fastest methods of care for injured workers.

As a result, chiropractic has been identified as the more effective and less expensive method of care as compared to conventional medical care for workers' compensation injuries. For instance, in a study carried out at California, the patients who received chiropractic care by specialized doctors of chiropractic could return to work in an average of 15.6 days as compared to 32 days for those who got their standard medical treatment. Following the same pattern, the costs incurred in case of patients who received chiropractic care was significantly less than those who received medical care in form of traditional methods of medication.

The conclusions of various such researches held in various places, such as Florida, Utah, Oregon, and Carolina were supportive of the higher effectiveness of chiropractic care as compared to the conventional medication. The average cost of treatment, payment towards compensation, cost of hospitalization, and the number of lost productive days were higher in case of the patients treated by medical doctors than those who received the chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractic, being a treatment methodology relying on the tendency of the human body to heal itself naturally, is known to have clear and long-term effects. In addition to lower costs of chiropractic treatment and faster recovery from injuries, chiropractic treatment has gained its due popularity in last few decades due to its long-standing effects and significantly fewer numbers of negative side effects on the human body.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

What Happens When You Have a Concussion? - Clifford Robbins

Each year in the United States, players of sports and recreational activities receive between 2.5 and 4 million concussions. How dangerous are all those concussions? The answer is complicated and lies in how the brain responds when something strikes it. Clifford Robbins explains the science behind concussions.

Lesson by Clifford Robbins, animation by Boniato Studio.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Chiropractic For Treating Neck Pain - How Effective Is It?

The techniques used in chiropractic and neck pain have been associated for over 2,000 years. Long before this field of conservative medicine has been recognized by the mainstream medical community in the United States, chiropractic was being widely used in the early civilizations of Greece, India, and China to alleviate neck pain and other forms of pain.

A spinal adjustment to treat neck pain?

A common misrepresentation of chiropractic care is that chiropractors work merely by snapping the neck into different directions until something luckily closes into place. While chiropractors are widely credited for their spinal adjustment techniques (In the case of the neck, it is called cervical adjustment.), they also use a wide range of gentle non-force and soft-tissue therapeutic tools, such as massage therapy, lifestyle suggestions, and an exercise program to supplement the primary spinal adjustment.

How effective is chiropractic for neck pain?

Chiropractors believe that slight maladjustment in the alignment of the spine causes tremendous setbacks in the functioning of the nervous system. Enter neck and back pain, and other body pain which is the result of these setbacks. Through hands-on spinal adjustment, chiropractors can fix the spine and allow the body room to heal itself more quickly. Chiropractic care usually requires more than one session of spinal adjustments and the supplementary therapeutic solutions to fully alleviate the pain and bring back the body's health condition.

Does chiropractic work on all neck issues?

Chiropractic and neck pains do not always go together, but they often do. In cases where the pain is induced by postural strain (the kind caused by sitting in a bad posture in front of the computer the entire day), traumatic injury (caused by whiplash or other injuries from automobile accidents, herniated and ruptured discs, and osteoarthritis and other degenerative processes reminiscent of aging, chiropractic can be a viable solution. It is important, though, that the chiropractor employ all diagnostic tools to thoroughly examine other factors that may be causing the pain. When the practitioner detects a fracture or an organic disease, he may have to refer the patient to another specialist who can administer the appropriate drugs and other treatments for the specific conditions.

Who can receive spinal adjustments to treat the neck?

Practically everybody may receive chiropractic care for pain, but it is imperative that a chiropractor implements a physical and neurological checkup first before devising a chiropractic program for his patient. Posture is one of the first things to be examined. If the chiropractor detects an abnormal curvature of the spine or if one of the shoulders or hips is lower than the other, there must be a reason to believe that something is wrong. However, posture is not the only important thing and does not completely indicate the need for chiropractic care. The practitioner also examines the extremity joints, muscle tone, and strength in the middle and upper back, and the range of motion of the bones.

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Friday, March 8, 2019

Back Pain Meets Relief With Chiropractic Services

All too often people suffer from back pain. It seems that a large majority of people the world over have experienced some sort of back pain at least once in their lives. For some, this seems to be an inherited problem. For others, it develops over time due to poor posture, bone loss, exercise injury, working, or an accident. Some, still, develop problems in their back with no good explanation. However, no matter what the case, chiropractic services can help to ease back pain.

Chiropractors offer a wide range of services for those who experience back pain. They realize that the health of the back can affect the entire body. It the back is out of alignment, it can offset the hips, legs, shoulders, and neck. That is why chiropractors focus on healing the back as part of the whole. Since back pain is located in the core of the body, seeking help from chiropractic services can help to alleviate the need for other special treatments.

Chiropractors provide a wide range of skills in order to help determine the cause of back pain, correct it, and then ensure that the problem will not occur again. These are the three main phases of chiropractic services. Since they use methods that do not involve drugs and rarely surgeries, the goal of the chiropractor is to find the underlying cause of the pain. Their techniques seek to cure the pain at its source instead of merely masking it with prescriptions. Chiropractic services use gentle and natural methods in order to help back pain. These methods range in technique from massage to electric stimuli. Surgery may be required from time to time, but is largely avoided with chiropractic services.

There are numerous benefits that are offered by chiropractic services in order to help those who suffer from back pain. One of those benefits is the price. Since chiropractors prefer to avoid the use of prescription drugs, the cost is greatly decreased. The cost of an office visit is also usually much less than the typical cost of a traditional doctor's visit. However, some insurance plans do not cover the cost of chiropractic services. Due to this, many offices have lower costs and even payment plans that make affording these services more affordable.

Many people who receive chiropractic services to help with back pain find that the treatments are far more successful than with traditional medicine. The treatments help to alleviate their pain in a way that is comfortable and lasting. Since the techniques are gentle, patients can look forward to progressively more relaxing treatments and time goes on. Once the original problem that was causing pain is taken care of, the number of office visits can be decreased over time. This means that ultimately, a person who suffers from pain can discontinue visits. This option is not nearly as common with traditional medicine.

Chiropractic services cater to those who suffer from back pain, although their skills allow them to help those with other problems as well. Since the back is such a pivotal part of the body, chiropractic services may help to determine if something in the back is causing problems elsewhere in the body as well.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chiropractic Treatment for Hand Pain - Things to Know

Millions of people around the world have benefitted from chiropractic care. Contrary to what most think, chiropractic treatment is not about just back pain. Chiropractors help patients with all kinds of pains, including hand pain. In this post, we will talk about visiting a chiropractor specifically for hand pain, along with tips and suggestions for finding the right clinic.

Do You Need Chiropractic Treatment for Hand Pain?

Chiropractors use a hands-on approach for treating pain, injuries and nerve issues. Their treatments can help in relieving pressure on the nerves, which can be caused by many different factors. There are many symptoms of chronic hand pain, including numbness, tingling, weakness, neck pain, shoulder stiffness, and general dysfunction. You may also have decreased range of motion in the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers. One may also have other kinds of issues, such as headaches, facial pain, and other painful areas, depending on the cause of the actual pain. Patients dealing with chronic hand pain may have sleepless nights, as the pain might increase at night. In most cases, people believe that relying on painkillers is enough, which isn't recommended over a long period of time and that strategy is only masking the problem.

Chiropractic care can help in reducing the symptoms and may offer instant relief. Chiropractors may use other alternative forms of treatment, such as soft tissue techniques to reduce the pain, in addition to using manual adjustments to make sure the joints are moving and functioning properly. Additionally, after the chiropractor has performed an orthopedic and neurological evaluation, might determine there are pinched nerves in your neck causing this issue, spinal decompression might be recommended. In many cases, these collective treatments can be adequate in reducing your dependency on drugs, medicines, and surgery. However, if the chiropractor finds that the pain is related to other things, they might suggest you see a hand surgeon.

Finding a Clinic

If you are looking for a hand pain chiropractor, be sure to ask questions specific to your hand complaints and find out what approach they plan to take. It's important that you select one of the known and experienced wellness chiropractic clinics for your condition. Check online to know what other patients have to say about their services, and most clinics have their own website, where you can find a lot of other details.

On your first visit, your chiropractor will perform a thorough orthopedic and neurological evaluation. They might perform or refer you for certain diagnostics, such as x-ray, MRI, CT, ultrasound or electrodiagnostics. All of this is done to better understand the underlying causes of hand pain and how to best treat your condition. If the condition can be treated with chiropractic and alternative therapies, this will be discussed with you so that treatment expectations can be set. Also, they might suggest exercises or restrict certain activities, until your hand is more functional. Have a question? As a patient, you have the right to know the pros and cons of receiving chiropractic care, so that you can make an informed decision.

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Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Quick Look at Chiropractic Sports Medicine

The whole idea of healing the body without relying on surgery or medicine is quite practical and worth considering. One of the most used forms of treatment today is chiropractic. Sadly, most people believe that chiropractic care is limited to the treatment of back and neck pain. In this post, we will explain the benefits of chiropractic sports medicine.

What's Chiropractic Sports Medicine?

Sports Chiropractic, also known as chiropractic sports medicine, is an evolving and budding branch of chiropractic, which aims at improving the performance of athletes of different sports. This particular branch of chiropractic expertise is a great boon for athletes and others who are or want to be physically fit. Besides healing and preventing musculoskeletal injuries, sports chiropractic helps in improving overall performance, endurance, agility, and strength. Chiropractic care has been around for hundreds of years, but it was in 1980 that a chiropractor started working with the United States Olympic medical team. Ever since then, the use of chiropractic care and healing in sports has only increased. Today, most of the professional teams have an in-house chiropractor that their athletes have at their disposal.

Understanding The Role of Sports Chiropractors

The job of a sports chiropractor is a specialized one. They often rely on specialized healing techniques along with other forms of non-invasive treatments for their clients, including cold laser therapy and spinal decompression. Sports chiropractors are expected to have in-depth knowledge and understanding of different common sports-related injuries. For athletes, chiropractors use a 'hands-on' approach for every injury to the best possible extent, without using drugs or medicines. In extreme cases, an athlete may need both therapeutic treatments and chiropractic healing, and for such situations, a sports chiropractor may suggest other forms of healing and care, as well. If you are physically active, visiting a sports chiropractor can be beneficial in many ways.

What Else Is There to Know?

Before you visit a chiropractor, you should know their areas of expertise. As mentioned, sports chiropractors are known for their understanding of injuries and common issues related to various sports. On your first visit, the concerned staff will ask a few questions and other aspects related to training, thoroughly examine you and possibly obtain diagnostics before rendering or suggesting a treatment plan. Look for clinics that are known for their treatment and can offer other forms of alternative treatment. Usually, sports teams do hire their chiropractors separately, but if you are an athlete and need more than just general care, you can consult an expert independently.

Finally, on your first visit, it is best to ask questions as for how chiropractic care can help you in particular. An experienced chiropractor should be able to discuss and explain these aspects in detail.

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