Monday, April 30, 2018

Relieve More Than Back Pain With Chiropractic Care

It was once thought that chiropractic treatment was just for back and neck pain. Thanks to technology and the ever changing world of medicine, this is no longer the case. Doctors are now seeing that chiropractic treatment is a valid method of healthcare. It benefits the whole body and mind either as a preventive measure to avoid health issues or for rehabilitative measures and acute or chronic pain management.

By aligning the spine and joints, the body is able to begin the natural healing process and build a defense against further injuries or worsening any current condition(s). There are numerous conditions/injuries that can be treated via chiropractic care such as (but not limited to): back issues (herniated or bulging disc and sprains/strains), degenerative disc disease, Fibromyalgia, neurological disorders, Scoliosis, and certain types of headaches.

Chiropractors are generally split up into two groups: the traditional chiropractors and the symptom relief chiropractors. The traditional chiropractors' main focus is "removing nerve interference and restructuring the spine to its most stable biomechanical position" (Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness Center). In other words, they treat the root cause of the patient's pain instead of just the individual symptoms. The other group, symptom relief chiropractor, concentrates on relieving the individual symptoms. While the patient may get immediate pain relief with this method, not investigating the root cause of each symptom will only lead to the symptoms returning at a later date or bring about new health issues.

These two groups can be broken down even further. There are three subcategories: relief, corrective, and maintenance chiropractic treatment. Remember, as with any medical treatment plan, you will need a thorough evaluation to determine the proper course of action that will be most beneficial to you.

Relief chiropractic treatment helps patients who have suffered any level and intensity of pain, where the root cause is generally unknown. This provides immediate symptom relief in most cases. The goal is to decrease or eliminate pain and stiffness which will allow the patient more range of motion and increases their ability to function in day to day operations. The length of treatment depends on the extent of the damage and how long they have been experiencing the pain/stiffness. Good communication between the patient, the patient's primary physician, and the chiropractor is paramount for this method of treatment to work.

Corrective chiropractic treatment is an advanced method of care for patients who have had spinal problems for an extended period of time. These types of problems usually develop new symptoms or result in a more complex condition due to lack of proper care. The length of treatment no only depends on how severe the condition is but the patient's physical response to the rehabilitation process.

Maintenance chiropractic care works in conjunction with any treatment(s) the patient is currently undergoing, and the continuation of rehabilitative chiropractic care after the current treatment plan made by the primary physician and/or specialist has expired. The main goal is to prevent further agitation to any current condition/injury. There are a lot of conditions that are irreversible, but with proper chiropractic care the symptoms can decrease and/or stop from progressing any further.

Discuss with your primary physician about the benefits of chiropractic care for your injury or condition. He/she should be able to refer you to the right chiropractor. If not, he/she can point you in the right direction to find one that will be the most beneficial. No matter how long you have been suffering, seeing a chiropractor now will help give you some immediate relief while preventing further damage to your body's systems.

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Friday, April 27, 2018

Why Come To Pazdel Chiropractic?

Dr. Bejan Pazdel casually talks about what sets them apart and besides the goal of achieving more wellness, he thinks of his patients as family.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

7 Key Reasons To Seek Chiropractic Care

Chiropracticis a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Those that use chiropractic care regularly recommend it highly for a variety of reasons. Here are the seven best reasons to find a chiropractor when you aren't feeling your very best.

1. Chiropractic Has Been Proven Safe

Chiropractic is one of the safest therapies available if you are suffering from any neuromusculoskeletal issues such as back, neck, joint, or head pain.

What exactly does safe mean? If you want to talk numbers, then the risk of injury is 1 in 286,000,000, or 0.0002%. Compare that to standard treatments such as medication and surgery where the risk of injury is 1 in 1428. That's right - chiropractic manipulation is that much safer, and as you'll learn later in this report, more effective as well.

The most common issue involving chiropractic isn't an injury at all. It is simply some mild soreness after adjustment. Think about how your muscles feel if you've done something you don't normally do. You feel sore because your muscles, bones, and ligaments have moved in ways they are not used to moving. This is what happens during a chiropractic adjustment but on a minor scale. Any soreness you feel will be gone within 24 hours and most patients feel immediately better with no soreness whatsoever.

Why is chiropractic so safe? There are four main reasons:
  1. Chiropractors have years of schooling with coursework that includes classes on all aspects of the spine.
  2. Chiropractors have been trained, doing clinical work long before becoming licensed.
  3. Chiropractors continue their education long after graduation, completing courses yearly in order to maintain a license to practice.
  4. Finally, and most importantly, a chiropractor's basic philosophy is that the body is capable of healing itself. The purpose of a chiropractor is simply to remove the subluxations, or blockages, that occur in spine so that the body can do its job.
Chiropractic is so safe that agencies unassociated with chiropractic tout its benefits. For instance, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), part of the US Department of Health and Human Services, found that complications are rare. Not only that, they suggest that chiropractic should be used before surgery is considered. And finally, they state that prescription drugs are not recommended for most back pains.

2. Chiropractic Has Been Proven Effective for Pain

If you have pain, chiropractic may be just what you need. Studies in the United States and other parts of the world show that chiropractic manipulations are effective. One study in California found that chiropractic was effective 86% of the time for general lower back pain.

But what of acute lower back pain? A report released by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research recommended chiropractic as the best treatment for this ailment. A study from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the Jefferson County (Missouri) Rehabilitation Centre showed that there was immediate improvement when chiropractic was used to treat acute low back pain.

Study after study has been conducted and study after study has concluded that spinal adjustment is superior to other treatments for acute pain. But chiropractic is beneficial to more than just general, chronic, or acute lower back pain.

Patients of chiropractic seek help for neck pain or discomfort as well. In fact, 19% of patients report neck pain at the first consultation. This pain is usually caused by accident or injury but can also be brought on by every day living.

The modern medical treatment for neck pain is either immobilization or physical therapy. However, studies have shown that spinal adjustments are more effective. For instance, a study done in the Netherlands observed patients receiving one of the three treatments. They found that spinal adjustments improved overall physical functioning more than the other treatments.

Beyond the back and neck, patients often seeks chiropractic care for headaches, including migraines. For chiropractic patients, migraines are often reduced or resolved without using pain killers or other prescription medications. A study was published by chiropractic doctors at University of Odense and the Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and clinical Biochemist in Denmark showing that spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapy allowed for steady improvement.

Many people understand the role of chiropractic in the back, neck, and head because chiropractors are seen as "back doctors." However, chiropractic has proven effective for many other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, infantile colic, and much more.

For pain associated with a variety of conditions, chiropractic is proven effective, often more effective than modern medical treatments. Coupled with the safety of chiropractic, it should be your first choice when dealing with pain.

3. Chiropractic is Less Invasive and Drug Free

If you go to a medical doctor due to neck and back pain, you are likely to be given nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, known as NSAIDS. Although these drugs are given out regularly, they do have significant risks t hat are far greater than the typical issue, soreness, seen with chiropractic.
NSAID risks include:
  • Allergic reactions, some of which can be life threatening
  • Hives or rashes
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Increased risk of stroke
  • Gastrointestinal issues such as bleeding or ulcers
  • Cancer
Another typical treatment is bed rest. But this, too, can cause problems such as muscles atrophy, heart and lung weakness, bone loss, and blood clots.

Let's not forget surgery. Surgery is used for neck and back pain whenever painkillers and bed rest don't work and the risks of surgery are great. They include:
  • Breathing issues due to anesthesia - a patient can quit breathing entirely
  • Blood loss leading to transfusions
  • Cardiovascular risks such as heart attack or stroke
  • Scar tissue
  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Lung collapse
  • Injury to other areas of the body
  • Paralysis
  • Numbness and tingling of parts of the body
  • Swelling and bruising
  • And even death
Chiropractic has none of these risks because it is not invasive. There is no cutting on the body and there is no medication prescribed. To avoid the risks associated with NSAIDS and surgery, chiropractic is an excellent choice.

4. Chiropractic is Less Disruptive to Your Lifestyle

Chiropractic is done on an outpatient basis and has easy recovery, often less than 24 hours of minimal soreness. Consider this in comparison to the recovery of surgery.

After any surgical procedure, the body needs time to repair tissues damaged during the surgery so that the body can return to normal. Surgical recovery is a process that can take time, often long periods of time requiring medication and bed rest. In fact, pushing yourself too hard after surgery will cause setbacks and make your recovery time longer.

Chiropractic, on the other hand, has limited recovery time. At most, chiropractic patients may feel some mild soreness in the area of the manipulation. This soreness is typically gone in a matter of hours, not days or weeks as with surgery.

Additionally, surgical patients that are older, out of shape, overweight, or generally in poor health will take far longer to heal and be ready for every day life. Although different factors will dictate how quickly you are pain free, the ability to resume your lifestyle happens quickly with most patients, often with as little as one manipulation.

5. Chiropractic is Less Expensive

In August 1999, Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BCBS) of Kansas presented a study titled "Lumbago Treatment." When viewed per treatment episode, chiropractic was shown to be more cost effective than anesthesiology, neurosurgery, neurology, registered physical therapy, orthopedic reconstructive surgery, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and rheumatology.

Why so cost effective? Medical doctors and physical therapists rely on:
  • Referrals
  • Prescriptions
  • Surgery
  • MRIs
  • CT scans
  • Hospitalization
Over 50% of the charges are simply for diagnostic procedures and not for actual pain relief.
On the other hand, the majority of chiropractic expense comes from office based treatment with less than 10% of costs arising from diagnostics, typically in the form of spinal x-rays.

A study in the May 2007 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed that chiropractic resulted in a 60.2% reduction in hospital admissions, 59.0% reduction in hospital days, 62.0% reduction in outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 83% reduction pharmaceutical costs when compared with conventional medicine.

By reducing these items, overall costs associated with chiropractic care are significantly less than that of traditional medical care.

6. Chiropractic Helps With Injuries Due to Accidents

Chiropractic is beneficial in treating various injuries such as sprains, pulled muscles, and joint problems due to auto, sports, work, and everyday injuries. The most common injuries due to accidents are:
  • Whiplash
  • Lower back misalignment
  • Upper back and neck misalignment
  • Repetitive motion injuries
Whiplash is the sudden movement that causes distortions to the neck. This type of sudden movement often happens during a car crash, even one at very low speeds. Although you may not initially feel any pain, the vertebrae that move out of place will eventually cause problems with the nerves and cause you pain from misalignment or subluxations. Medical doctors prescribe pain meds and bed rest for whiplash, which may be good for a day or two, but not for the long run. There is no way to remain in bed indefinitely nor is it possible to function regularly on pain medications. A chiropractor will help you with the cause of the problem rather than help you manage the symptoms.

Lower back misalignment can happen suddenly or over a long period of time. For instance, you can improperly lift something heavy resulting in immediate back pain, or you can simply have poor posture that results in back pain over time. The misalignment causes subluxations that can be corrected using chiropractic.

Lower back pain is made up of several different low back problems including:
  • Vertebral subluxations
  • Injured discs
  • Muscle strain
  • Ligament sprain
  • Scoliosis
  • Sciatica
  • And more.
The ability to correct injuries holds true for the upper back and neck as well.
Repetitive Motion Injuries are a fast growing source of pain in the United States often associated with the workplace, particularly sitting at a computer terminal for long periods of time. Repetitive motion injuries cause less oxygen to get into the muscles and this causes scar tissue to develop. Chiropractic releases the subluxations causing the pain.

So, whether your pain is from a car accident or merely sitting incorrectly at work, chiropractic is a way for you to feel better fast.

7. Chiropractic: Because You Live, Move, and Breathe

Because you are alive and move about, you are sure to cause a misalignment of your spine at one time or another. Simple movements such as sitting or bending can cause problems. So can walking, running, stretching, and lifting. In fact, any movement can create a subluxation and subluxations cause pain when left alone. So, if you move, then you can benefit from chiropractic.

Whether you are out running every day or see yourself more as a couch potato, chiropractic can be beneficial to you. It is the most effective natural healthcare available. And, as you've learned, it is safe, effective, non-invasive, inexpensive, and great for any injuries you may have. If you live, move, or breathe, you should have a doctor of Chiropractic as a member of your personal health care team.

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Saturday, April 21, 2018

What Causes Headaches? - Dan Kwartler

In ancient Greece, the best-known remedy for a long-standing headache was to drill a small hole in the skull to drain supposedly infected blood. Fortunately, doctors today don’t resort to power tools to cure headaches, but we still have a lot to learn about this ancient ailment. Dan Kwartler shares what we know (and don't know) about headaches.

Lesson by Dan Kwartler, animation by Sharon Colman.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Taking the Pain Out of Your Step: Orthotics

Dr. Pazdel explains and demonstrates the need for and fitting for orthotics to allow those with foot issues such as plantar fasciitis to be able to walk without pain. At Pazdel Chiropractic each client is custom fitted with exactly what is needed to help them best and then shoe inserts are custom made for that patient and for different types of shoes, such as tennis shoes, dress shoes, work shoes, and even sandals.

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Chiropractic Care - A Safe and Non-Invasive Way to Reduce Migraines

For people suffering from migraines, a non-invasive and safe way to lessen migraine suffering is Chiropractic care. Not just anyone should use chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is meant for patients who are unable to use prescription medicine because the medicines make them susceptible to other risk factors.

The cause of migraine headaches is still unknown in spite of the major advances in medical science that have been made in the last century. For this reason migraine headaches are said to be idiopathic. There are several theories that have been put forward to explain migraines and their causes. These include genetic malformations, arterial swelling in the cranium and serotin deficiency in the patient.

Another common theory associated with chiropractic theory stipulates that migraine headaches are caused by or in the least contributed to by subluxations in the muscles situated at the base of the skull and the neck. Subluxations can be defined as tense regions in the muscles adjacent to the upper spinal cord small bones. Medical doctors most often than not miss the tension since on an X-ray the bones appear to be in their correct positions. What a chiropractor does is relax the subluxations by manipulating the spine.

Mixed chiropractic and straight chiropractic are the two methods that a chiropractor uses to care for the migraine patients. Only the manipulation of the spinal subluxations and spine are involved when straight chiropractic technique is used. Mixed chiropractic however involves the combination of conventional manipulation and other complementary methods. Mixed chiropractic focuses on reducing the overall neck strain and tension.

A comparison between drug therapies and chiropractic care for chronic tension headaches and migraines was made recently by researchers from Northwestern College of Chiropractic. The college is in Minnesota. The result of the research was published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 218 patients were used in the research. Each patient was either given regular chiropractic care or drug therapy. At the end of the study the two groups each reported a forty to fifty percent drop in the headache pain.

After four weeks (four weeks from when all care was discontinued) a follow up on the patients from both groups was carried out and it revealed that the only patients who still had reduced headaches are the ones belonging to the chiropractic group. As for the drug therapy group, only twenty to twenty five percent of the patients still had the reduced headache pains as a result of the drug therapy administered earlier.

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Should You Consider a Chiropractor For Back Pain?

The aches and pains of many back pain sufferers are keeping them from living their life normally and a chiropractor or an osteopath is one of the finest options. Through hands-on spinal manipulation, chiropractic can handle specific lower back pain issues which is unlike massage therapy.

The following are treatment goals of chiropractic techniques...

  1. The re-establishment of normal spine flexibility
  2. Spinal nerve discomfort relief
  3. The normal condition of altered nerve reflexes are restored

Chiropractors (sometimes misspelled "chiropracters") attain these targets by focusing on areas of subluxation, which is a process leading to the "partial abnormal separation of the articular surfaces of a joint.". This procedure includes tissue modifications such as atrophy, edema, local ischemia, congestion, fibrosis, just to name just a few. Obviously, chiropractic techniques are not only used for lower back pain. Through the use of upper cervical chiropractic maneuvers, the pain on the neck and upper back can be fixed.

Chiropractic can also be employed to repair these conditions...

  • Severe headaches
  • Repetitive pressures
  • High-impact accidents
  • Arthritic pain

In recent years, chiropractic has been included with other healing approaches such as acupuncture and ultrasound to enhance healing and pain alleviation. Back pain patients who need to find a chiropractor are in luck. Through the world wide web, different chiropractic websites can be seen by patients. A network of chiropractic doctors may also offer advices and other important details online.

It is critical to point out, however, that not all the so-called "chiropractors" marketing their services may possess the certification or the license to practice this healing occupation. In the same way, the training of a chiropractor is distinct (although there are some commonalities) from that of a physical therapist.

Becoming a chiropractor entails admitting in a chiropractor school or a chiropractor university to receive a 4-year degree program. Most states in the U.S. ask for a Bachelor's degree in science before being admitted. So as to begin performing chiropractic, the hopeful chiropractor should first pass the four-part National Board Exams to acquire the license to practice. Some specializations like orthopedics, rehabilitation, sports medicine, and neurology may also be studied by chiropractors.

With these things in mind, it is therefore very crucial to recognize a chiropractor's qualifications before undergoing treatment. This could be achieved by making requests with chiropractor organizations governing the practice in the state. Here are three warning signs that separate the legit from the not.

These are...

  • A special chiropractic technique is being offered by a chiropractor which no other chiropractor are familiar with.
  • Different ailments can be easily cured even cancer and diabetes
  • Benefits sound too good to be true

Chiropractic salary or fees are very expensive so it is finest to understand if the insurance will cover chiropractic treatments. Special discounts may be offered by some chiropractors. As long as a chiropractor has acquired suitable training and has the license to properly and securely perform this healing technique then back pain relief is assured.

Many people suffering from back pain seek help from a chiropractor to resolve the aches and pains. In fact, many have attested chiropractic treatment is effective for back pain relief.

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Monday, April 9, 2018

Concussion and Treating Lingering Effects

Dr. Pazdel talks about concussion, what it is, many of the symptoms that may point toward it and how the lingering effects can often affect the neck causing pain, stiffness, and more. This is where chiropractic treatment may be of great benefit to return to full health.

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Friday, April 6, 2018

Chiropractic Adjustments & Headaches | Chiropractic Care

Taking care of patients with headaches is one of my favorite things to do as a chiropractor. There are many causes of headaches, but chiropractic care is extremely effective at treating all forms of headaches. The first thing your chiropractor will do is a very, very careful case history and examination. There are many things that can trigger headaches, and your chiropractor will want to understand what contributes to your headaches. We'll also do a thorough musculosekeletal exam where we can identify areas that are restricted or not moving normally. There are many techniques that chiropractors use to treat patients with headaches.

Traditional chiropractic adjustment involves a very precise, defined thrust into the spine to restore range of motion in the neck or other areas in the spine. And this can be very effective at reducing pain and increasing range of motion very quickly. There are other non-force or gentle chiropractic techniques that chiropractors use that may involve gentle rocking motion or stretching motion or gentle pressure that can also be very effective at restoring the normal function of the spine and the nervous system associated with it to help restore range of motion and relax the muscles. Chiropractors will also use other modalities including massage, deep tissue, myofascial release or trigger point therapies that can be very helpful at relaxing the muscle spasm that's associated with headaches very often.

We'll also check TMJ and sinuses. The reflex work we can do on sinuses can be very helpful at helping to reduce sinus headaches. The most common form of headaches that people often present with is muscular tension headaches, where the muscles in the base of the spine right were the neck attaches to the cranium get very tight. And we'll work on those areas. And sometimes we'll apply other therapies like heat or ice or electric muscle stim to help increase the effectiveness of our treatment.

Your chiropractor may also make specific recommendations for home care, including nutritional recommendations for eating enough protein, eating on time, eating certain foods or not eating certain foods and drinking enough water. There may be nutritional supplements recommended for general health.

Your chiropractor will also review with you special postural considerations that are especially important for people with headaches, like how to choose the correct pillow and what position to sleep in, and how to sit at your desk or carry a shoulder bag without straining your neck and shoulder.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

TMJ Issues? Dr. Pazdel Talks About How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Dr. Pazdel talks of issues with TMJ and how chiropractic care is so much more helpful than just working with the back. Chiropractic care extends through the entire body.

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