Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Chiropractic Reduces Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a condition that presents itself through many different symptoms. This disease is often diagnosed only after several other conditions have been ruled out. To diagnose the condition an individual must have widespread pain throughout the body for at least 3 months in duration. The individual must also have 11 out of 18 tender points that are predetermined. These tender points are located in various points around the body that become tender with tactile pressure. The pressure is applied to a point to where the nail bed of the finger becomes white.

There is no known cure for fibromyalgia. Chiropractic care has been found to be very effective in helping to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia and helping the individual live a much better quality of life. Recent studies have determined that the nervous system may play a role in causing the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Those with fibromyalgia have been found to have abnormalities in chemical compounds or neurotransmitters that transmit nerve impulses resulting in hypersensitive nerves. This hypersensitivity of the nerves results in increased sensitivity to pain as the nerves are responsible for carrying pain signals to the brain.

Chiropractic treatment is based on the theory that the normal function of the body is controlled by the nervous system, being the master system in the body. Chiropractors are experts at working with the nervous system and are well suited to manage fibromyalgia. The symptoms of fibromyalgia often affect the entire body, it is therefore important to look at the body as a whole rather than just treating the symptoms of certain areas of the body. Chiropractic is a holistic method of treatment that supports the body's natural ability to heal itself. Chiropractic can help prevent unnecessary surgery and other invasive methods of treatment which often have harmful side effects.

Chiropractors will perform a detailed evaluation and history to gain a full understanding of how the condition is affecting the individual. The chiropractor will check spinal alignment, muscles and soft tissue and recommend a comprehensive treatment plan to help the individual. The chiropractor may perform spinal manipulation to help remove nerve irritation and relax tight musculature.

Spinal manipulation is performed using the hands and involves a quick, precise thrust to the misaligned bones of the spine. Several people suffering from fibromyalgia report a significant reduction of their symptoms following chiropractic treatment. They often report feeling better overall with less fatigue and depression.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nathan_E_Leavitt/1036743

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7064006

Saturday, May 27, 2017

What Are the Risks & Side Effects? | Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a natural form of health care. And because it's non-invasive and doesn't involve the use of drugs or surgery it's generally regarded as extremely safe. A chiropractor will do a very careful case history and examination and choose the proper techniques and protocols that are right for your health history, for your body type, and for your condition. Chiropractors will perform an examination and several specific tests to minimize any risk of adjustment. There are specific techniques that can be used when these tests are positive, and chiropractors are very careful to refer patients out if they feel that they need medical care or they need to be co-managed by another health care practitioner.

There have been some reports that chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine might be associated with damage to the vertebral artery causing a rare kind of stroke. In fact, an important study was just published in 2008 in "Spine" magazine that showed that there actually was no increased risk of having this kind of stroke associated with a chiropractic adjustment any more than it would be associated with having a visit to your regular medical doctor. Chiropractors do very careful exams and adjusting techniques to minimize this kind of risk.

A lot of patients express concern that chiropractic adjustments might be painful. But I'm here to tell you that in most cases they're absolutely not painful at all. Patients report feeling an enormous sense of release and decreased pain immediately after the adjustment.

Another concern people have is are there any side effects from adjustments. Sometimes people may have a little soreness particularly after the very first adjustment, but that's not common. It can happen, and it doesn't last very long - usually a day or two. I recommend that people drink plenty of water. Take warm showers. You can ask your chiropractor for specific recommendations. Sometimes using Arnica, if it's indicated, can be very helpful at just reducing any soreness. The soreness doesn't happen every time you get adjusted. Usually it's the first time or when you've been in a lot of pain and had a serious issue.

For the most part people feel really good after an adjustment. They feel a reduction of pain and just a profound sense of well-being.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Should You Consider a Chiropractor For Back Pain?

The aches and pains of many back pain sufferers are keeping them from living their life normally and a chiropractor or an osteopath is one of the finest options. Through hands-on spinal manipulation, chiropractic can handle specific lower back pain issues which is unlike massage therapy.

The following are treatment goals of chiropractic techniques...

  1. The re-establishment of normal spine flexibility
  2. Spinal nerve discomfort relief
  3. The normal condition of altered nerve reflexes are restored

Chiropractors (sometimes misspelled "chiropracters") attain these targets by focusing on areas of subluxation, which is a process leading to the "partial abnormal separation of the articular surfaces of a joint.". This procedure includes tissue modifications such as atrophy, edema, local ischemia, congestion, fibrosis, just to name just a few. Obviously, chiropractic techniques are not only used for lower back pain. Through the use of upper cervical chiropractic maneuvers, the pain on the neck and upper back can be fixed.

Chiropractic can also be employed to repair these conditions...

  • Severe headaches
  • Repetitive pressures
  • High-impact accidents
  • Arthritic pain

In recent years, chiropractic has been included with other healing approaches such as acupuncture and ultrasound to enhance healing and pain alleviation. Back pain patients who need to find a chiropractor are in luck. Through the world wide web, different chiropractic websites can be seen by patients. A network of chiropractic doctors may also offer advices and other important details online.

It is critical to point out, however, that not all the so-called "chiropractors" marketing their services may possess the certification or the license to practice this healing occupation. In the same way, the training of a chiropractor is distinct (although there are some commonalities) from that of a physical therapist.

Becoming a chiropractor entails admitting in a chiropractor school or a chiropractor university to receive a 4-year degree program. Most states in the U.S. ask for a Bachelor's degree in science before being admitted. So as to begin performing chiropractic, the hopeful chiropractor should first pass the four-part National Board Exams to acquire the license to practice. Some specializations like orthopedics, rehabilitation, sports medicine, and neurology may also be studied by chiropractors.

With these things in mind, it is therefore very crucial to recognize a chiropractor's qualifications before undergoing treatment. This could be achieved by making requests with chiropractor organizations governing the practice in the state. Here are three warning signs that separate the legit from the not.

These are...

  • A special chiropractic technique is being offered by a chiropractor which no other chiropractor are familiar with.
  • Different ailments can be easily cured even cancer and diabetes
  • Benefits sound too good to be true

Chiropractic salary or fees are very expensive so it is finest to understand if the insurance will cover chiropractic treatments. Special discounts may be offered by some chiropractors. As long as a chiropractor has acquired suitable training and has the license to properly and securely perform this healing technique then back pain relief is assured.

Many people suffering from back pain seek help from a chiropractor to resolve the aches and pains. In fact, many have attested chiropractic treatment is effective for back pain relief.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Claudia_Hadley/739271

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4992694

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Maximising Your Health - The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The continued rise in the usage of chiropractic care has been ongoing. Studies continue to demonstrate the numbers rising and the increase of people using chiropractic health care. In one issue of American Journal of Public Health, a study was published entitled "Use of Chiropractic Services from 1895 through 1991 in the United States and Canada". The conclusion of this study was that the number of visits to chiropractors has more than doubled in the past 20 years. Many recommend this particular treatment method due to the non-invasive approach and its insistence on awakening the body's natural ability to heal and become healthier, stronger and more resilient.

The Healing Benefits Of Chiropractic

Most people in their everyday lives have things happen that effect their bodies. Dysfunction in their musculoskeletal system can benefit from chiropractic care. From pain relief, injury rehabilitation, optimal athletic performance, aging and improved immune function. These are all some the benefits a person may undergo when they have misaligned spine, back, or neck. For people who need to be physically active for their work, sport and daily responsibilities, the presence of such dysfunction disables them from performing well. This is due to the fact that any form of movement on the traumatized area of the body can result in stress and possibly more damage causing more pain and discomfort.

Regardless of the cause of your initial pain and problems, among the many benefits research shows you may enjoy as a result of chiropractic care are as follows:

• better movement and improved circulation

• lower levels of lactic acid

• higher oxygenation and better nutrient delivery to cells

• increased flexibility

• improved comfort and decrease or elimination of pain

• Faster recovery time

• Reduced muscle spasm

• Prevention of future injury and improved immune function

• More relaxed feeling

The Overall Approach

If you want to enhance the benefits of chiropractic care, it is best to combine your efforts with an overall approach to your health and well being. Health is not merely the absence of pain and symptoms. If you have ever had a cavity, you know that by the time the pain shows up, the damage to your tooth is already there. The healthier you are, and the healthier you become the greater the potential benefits of your chiropractic care. Minimise dis-ease and maximise your health. The relief from any pressure or source of discomfort and irritation will allow your body to attain maximum mobility and better performance.

Some general recommendations to develop a routine and get the maximum health benefits are the following:

• Keep your body properly hydrated.

• Follow a healthy nutritional plan, including lots of raw organic foods and leafy greens.

• Do some stretching exercises or develop a healthy exercise routine.

· Maximise your oxygen intake through some forms of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Additional Benefits of Chiropractic Care

There is still a small percentage of the population who have misconceptions about the benefits of chiropractic care. However, research continues to be done, changing these perceptions and gradually more of the scientific community are showing greater interest in the healing potential that chiropractic may represent. One of the misconceptions being that it is not a valid form of treatment and is used only for mild cases of back pain, headaches, and the like. However, chiropractic adjustments are being researched to investigate the benefits even to those suffering from extreme cases of spinal or vertebral misalignment and other health problems.

Many chiropractors have patients who have benefited beyond musculoskeletal problems, these include:

• women may have improved comfort during pregnancy and labour

• minimise the risk of scoliosis in an infant and improve their postural development.

• Improved immune function and resilience possibly preventing asthma, ear infection, bedwetting, among other things.

• more energy, productivity and physical stamina in adults

• For senior individuals, they attain better balance, improved sleeping and prevent injury from falls.

Some of the results and benefits reported from patients who have undergone chiropractic care include the following:

• Improved immune and nervous system function

• greater vitality

• improved breathing and exercising

• improved digestion and bowel function

• improved vision

• Improved overall health.

Study and research continues as we look at the cause of health and the benefits of chiropractic care!

Following chiropractic adjustments, your body may start to improve movement and alignment of the spine and spinal structures. In many cases, a patient will immediately experience relief for a problem soon after undergoing chiropractic care. Restoring and building health from the inside is one of the advantages of opting for chiropractic care over surgical or medical procedures that often require a long recovery period. In other cases if the damage or misalignment is more severe, a person may be sore and still achy after care. Some people may take longer to heal and demonstrate improvement, they may also need to make other lifestyle improvements to maximise their health and wellbeing along with improved pain free movement.

If you approach your health from the perspective of a way of life, and give your body and mind the essentials for maximising your health, chiropractic care may be a key ingredient.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr_Stacey_Burke/661113

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4636771

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Chiropractic Care vs. Massage Therapy | Chiropractic Care

I'm a big fan of massage therapy, but I always say that if I had to choose between receiving a chiropractic adjustment or a massage, I would always choose a chiropractic adjustment. I find that, because chiropractic is an entire system of health care that addresses the musculo-skeletal and the nervous system, it has a profound effect on, not only relaxing the muscles, but rebalancing the alignment of the spine as well as relaxing muscles and restoring normal nerve function. Massage is very effective at relaxing muscles and increasing circulation, and in fact, many chiropractors use massage therapy in their practices, either by hiring massage therapist to do massage therapy on their patients or many chiropractors are trained to use massage therapy techniques on their patients directly.

In my practice, I use a combination of muscle techniques, including traditional Swedish massage, myofascial release and trigger point therapy. I also use various topical creams like homeopathic ointments that contain onycha or turmile. Massage therapists are highly trained at massage therapy but they're not doctors and they're not licensed to prescribe or orders test like xrays. Chiropractors are doctors of chiropractic and they are licensed to diagnose as well as to order Xrays and other diagnostic tests. Chiropractors and massage therapists have worked together for a long time and they always will. They have a very similar philosophy but massage therapy will not realign your spine.

It will not have quite the same profound effect on the nervous system that chiropractic. Another topic that's important to throw in the mix here is the issue of exercise. Massage therapy is not a substitute for exercise, and proper stretching and strengthening is really important to maintain normal muscle tone. So, it's important to include massage, chiropractic and exercise into your therapeutic regieme.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Positive Effects of Chiropractic Care

Imagine recovering twice as fast after surgery, no longer having the need for pain medications (or less medication) for numerous injuries/surgeries and conditions such as Fibromyalgia or Scoliosis, or boosting your immune system so that you get fewer colds/flu throughout the year. No, this is not a futuristic new age/science fiction novel. Through chiropractic care, it is possible to reduce or eliminate pain, recover more quickly, and is more affordable and less risky than traditional medical treatments.

Reducing the amount and intensity of physical pain is the number one reason individuals seek out chiropractic help. Chiropractic care can treat, or even eliminate, pain in all areas of the body. Back pain is the most commonly reported reason for patients to obtain chiropractic treatment. This method of care is not for back pain alone. Patients go to a chiropractor for a number of other reasons such as (but not limited to) headaches, carpel tunnel syndrome, knee injuries, arthritis, stress, and soft tissue injuries. By reducing pain and stiffness, patients are able to relax and concentrate on the rehabilitation process. It will also boost their immune system and give them more energy and a positive outlook on their physical condition(s).

When a patient is in an accident or has a chronic condition, the recovery time usually takes so long that they start to feel as if they will never feel good again. Chiropractic treatment aids speeding up the recovery process or get to a point that they can experience enhanced quality of life outside of a doctor's office or rehab center. By relieving pressure throughout the patient's body, they are able to heal at a faster rate and recover more fully. The body has many different entities, but it all works as one unit. If the "whole unit" is treated, then the individual systems will function more efficiently and recover from any ailment/condition. If a full and complete recovery is not possible, chiropractic care will allow the body to recover to its fullest extent. This is not possible if only certain areas are the main focus. The whole body must be treated for optimal results.

When thinking about medical treatment, most people cringe at the sound of words such as "rehabilitation", "medical care", or "medical treatment". This is because traditional medical care/treatment comes with a high price tag. People, and insurance companies, have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on basic medical care. The cost will double, if not triple, if more treatment is needed beyond basic care. It can be financially devastating to an individual and even more damaging to an entire family, especially if more than one family member is in need of medical care. This is why chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular with patients, employers, and insurance companies. Chiropractic care is only a tiny fraction of the cost when compared to traditional medical treatment. Each session will run, on average, anywhere from $35.00 on up to $70.00. Most patients will only need a few sessions to get the same end result as months (even years) of traditional medical treatments. Not only is it saving the patient and insurance company money, there is less chance that they will need long term or repeat treatment. They will also spend a lot less time missing days or weeks from work.

Chiropractic care is gaining popularity because it is a non-evasive and drug free method of treatment. Traditional forms of medical care usually consist of prescription medication, trial and error treatments, and possibly surgery. Trial and error treatment can take a very long time, a lot of money, and possibly cause long term and irreversible damage. Prescription medications have numerous side effects ranging anywhere from mild skin problems to serious respiratory issues, and even death. These often leave the patient with more health problems than they originally started with. Chiropractic treatment simply realigns the spine and joints, which usually gives immediate relief and helps the bodily systems function properly.

It allows the body to go through the natural healing process and there are no damaging, life altering, or long term side effects or painful surgeries to endure. The main adverse symptom patients experience, besides immediate pain relief, is mild soreness at and around the sight where the manipulation took place. The risk factor drops considerably to around 2% to 4% when compared with traditional forms of medical treatment. Cervical spine manipulation shows that there were complications found in 2.09 people per million and 0.268 deaths compared to the complications in 15,000 people per million and the 6,900 deaths due to cervical spine surgery. Hence why chiropractic care is a much safer, less expensive, reliable, and preferred method of treatment.

It is imperative that, before getting any chiropractic treatment, you thoroughly research any chiropractor you are considering. They must not only be licensed, but highly skilled and experienced. After all, you would not get an operation from a doctor that has only had one year experience or is not properly trained/licensed. Chiropractic care is no different. Once you have found one that you are comfortable with, just remember Rome wasn't built in a day. Although it takes much less recovery time when using chiropractic care, it will still take some time for you to heal from your injury or condition. Take each day as it comes and follow the chiropractor's treatment plan. Also, come prepared when you go to your initial appointment. Just remember that a good chiropractor is always willing to answer any question you may have about them, their education, their experience, and your proposed treatment plan. Good and open communication between you and your doctor is just as important to your recovery as the treatments are.

Contact your primary physician today to discuss chiropractic care. If it is a good route to take in achieving optimal health, have your doctor refer you to a chiropractor they know and trust. Your body will thank you for it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dwayne_Whiting/159312

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6344738

Friday, May 12, 2017

Understanding Chiropractic Care Through Frequently Asked Questions

Millions of people turn to chiropractors each year for alleviation of pain and other health related problems. Even though the field of chiropractic care has been around for more than a century, there are many people who have never been to a chiropractor or do not understand what a chiropractor can do for them.

Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions on the subject:

What is chiropractic care?

The chiropractic field was founded on the idea that manipulations of the spine can cure and prevent many aches, pains, and disorders. Chiropractors find joint and vertebrae that are out of place or "subluxated" and adjust the spine so that everything is once again in its proper alignment.

Is it safe to be adjusted by a chiropractor?

The good news is that yes, it is safe to be adjusted by a chiropractor. This field has prided itself on using natural and alternative health treatments, especially those that are noninvasive and do not involve medications. It is also interesting to note that chiropractors pay only a fraction of what medical doctors pay for malpractice insurance.

Is the method of adjustment the same for all patients?

No. The doctor will typically take some x-rays of the spine to look for displaced vertebrae in the spine as well as several other possible spinal issues. Taking the results of the x-rays and the symptoms described by the patient, the doctor will tailor the treatment plan to the needs of each individual case.

There are even unique treatment plans for children. Those in the chiropractic field believe that birth can be a major cause for spinal trauma in infants, warranting a quick check. Older children can also benefit from spinal manipulations when they are complaining of a myriad of other health concerns.

Is chiropractic care safe for pregnancy?

It is generally considered safe for pregnant women. Lower back pain is a very common complaint for expectant mothers regular chiropractic care can help ease that pain and even put the body into a better position for labor. Pregnant women should get permission from their physicians before trying any new treatments or adjustments.

Can back surgery patients benefit from chiropractic care?

Yes, and in fact, regular spinal manipulations after back surgery can help avoid future back surgeries. As it is today, almost 50 percent of back surgery patients who do not undergo any other treatments will experience a repeat of former pain and symptoms in the following years, requiring more surgery. Chiropractic care can reduce this possibility and may even help people with back pain to find relief without any surgery at all.

Can chiropractic care cure all health problems?

No. Not all health conditions are directly related to the spine and its alignment, like cancer and diabetes for example. Yet chiropractic care can be surprisingly effective for so much more than just back pain.

It can reduce and cure many conditions associated with the nerve system function such as neck and back pain, headaches, stress reduction and conditions such as sciatica. If you, or your family, suffer from any of these conditions, its time you tried out this alternative medical therapy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Andrew_Stratton/83489

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2977949

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Chiropractic Treatment for Hand Pain - Things to Know

Millions of people around the world have benefitted from chiropractic care. Contrary to what most think, chiropractic treatment is not about just back pain. Chiropractors help patients with all kinds of pains, including hand pain. In this post, we will talk about visiting a chiropractor specifically for hand pain, along with tips and suggestions for finding the right clinic.

Do You Need Chiropractic Treatment for Hand Pain?

Chiropractors use a hands-on approach for treating pain, injuries and nerve issues. Their treatments can help in relieving pressure on the nerves, which can be caused by many different factors. There are many symptoms of chronic hand pain, including numbness, tingling, weakness, neck pain, shoulder stiffness and general dysfunction. You may also have decreased range of motion in the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers. One may also have other kinds of issues, such as headaches, facial pain and other painful areas, depending on the cause of the actual pain. Patients dealing with chronic hand pain may have sleepless nights, as the pain might increase at night. In most cases, people believe that relying on painkillers is enough, which isn't recommended over a long period of time and that strategy is only masking the problem.

Chiropractic care can help in reducing the symptoms and may offer instant relief. Chiropractors may use other alternative forms of treatment, such as soft tissue techniques to reduce the pain, in addition to using manual adjustments to make sure the joints are moving and functioning properly. Additionally, after the chiropractor has performed an orthopedic and neurological evaluation, might determine there are pinched nerves in your neck causing this issue, spinal decompression might be recommended. In many cases, these collective treatments can be adequate in reducing your dependency on drugs, medicines, and surgery. However, if the chiropractor finds that the pain is related to other things, they might suggest you to see a hand surgeon.

Finding a Clinic

If you are looking for a hand pain chiropractor, be sure to ask questions specific to your hand complaints and find out what approach they plan to take. It's important that you select one of the known and experienced wellness chiropractic clinics for your condition. Check online to know what other patients have to say about their services, and most clinics have their own website, where you can find a lot of other details.

On your first visit, your chiropractor will perform a thorough orthopedic and neurological evaluation. They might perform or refer you for certain diagnostics, such as x-ray, MRI, CT, ultrasound or electrodiagnostics. All of this is done to better understand the underlying causes of hand pain and how to best treat your condition. If the condition can be treated with chiropractic and alternative therapies, this will be discussed with you so that treatment expectations can be set. Also, they might suggest exercises or restrict certain activities, until your hand is more functional. Have a question? As a patient, you have the right to know the pros and cons of receiving chiropractic care, so that you can make an informed decision.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/J_Smith/2148100

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9700212

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Does Chiropractic Help Relieve Stress? | Chiropractic Care

One of the things that my patient report to me is that one of the most profound effect that chiropractor has on them is their ability to reduce their stress level and also recover from stress.

Our cranium and our spine house our brain and spinal cord. And all of the spinal nerves that are exiting the spine, innervate every single organ and cell in our body. By adjusting the spine, when we find misalignment, restrictions or what we call subluxations, we're able to profoundly restore normal nerve function. Ad this has a profound relaxing affect on the nervous system.

I like to say that chiropractic care helps nervous system become more highly organized. We noticed that there is a profound shift in the nervous system. Particularly in the automatic nervous system. The parts of the nervous system that functions without our constant awareness. The sympathetic nervous system our the fight or flight response that most people live in all day long, shifts after chiropractic care. And the power sympathetic nervous becomes more dominate. The power sympathetic nervous system is the part of the nervous system we would like to be more active. It's the part of the nervous system that controls the immune system and digestion. It tends to slow the heart rate and decrease blood pressure to normal, So it's very important that we have a dynamic balance between these two nervous system. And chiropractic care is one of the most effective and profound ways I know to balance that nervous system.

The other thing that's really very powerful about chiropractic care is the kind of interaction you'll have with your chiropractor. Really talking about what's happening in your body. My patient report that when they go out into the world after their adjustment, their whole experience of life is very different. They feel very rested but they also feel alert. They fell calm and they're really ready to take on the world.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Benefits Of Chiropractic: How It Helps You

Chiropractic care is becoming more and more popular in America and for a number of reasons. Whether you decide to get treated for a particular problem or you just want to improve your overall health, this form of treatment can help you in a number of ways.

Fall Ill Less Often

While measuring over 100 individuals who had been given regular chiropractic care, it was found that, on an average, they had a 200% stronger immune system than those who do not get chiropractic treatment. A better immune system means fewer colds and less missing out on work.

Aim to Stay Healthy

Don't you feel good when you know that someone is continuously striving to make you feel healthy all the time? These doctors get a lot of training in various areas like anatomy, nutrition, rehabilitation and physiology. Some of them may even have focused on these subjects more than regular doctors. With this knowledge and experience, they aim to keep you in good health.

Minimize the Drugs and Hospital Visits

This form of care has been seen to reduce drugs and hospital costs by over 50%. This is a huge reduction in the average amount of money that a person has to spend when they visit the emergency room or buy medicine to get rid of a problem.

Save Your Money

As mentioned in the above point, chiropractic treatment could help you save a lot of money. Chiropractors usually work out to be a lot more cost effective than going to a doctor and being prescribed some expensive medicine. If your back ache can be taken care of without pumping drugs into your system, you will save money and allow your body to heal in the most natural way possible.

Get Better Sleep

This treatment has been seen to improve the sleeping patterns of children as well as adults. Many people around the country suffer from the chronic sleeping disorder that can affect their entire life if not addressed. This problem can be reduced through chiropractic care.

Have Better Moods

Even though it may sound unusual that a spinal adjustment technique can change your mood, studies have found that this form of treatment can, in fact, make you happier. By decreasing the amount of cortisol in the body and raising the level of good hormones, many patients experience a better balance of hormones in their body and it can result in an overall improvement of mood. This is why chiropractic care is often suggested for people suffering from depression or anxiety.

More Relief from Pain

Chiropractic adjustments can often help to relieve pain in the body. Pain often occurs when the spine has been misaligned, either because of some condition or due to an accident. When this happens, it can cause a lot of discomfort. A chiropractor will help to adjust the spine and reduce the pain.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Juanita_Swindell/682332

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9322061