Adjustments can feel different, depending on the particular technique. Traditional chiropractic adjustments involve a very precise controlled impulse into the spine to restore range of motion. It will also decrease inflammation, relax muscles, and restore normal nerve function.
Most adjustments are not painful at all. And this is quite remarkable, considering the fact that we're adjusting areas that might be tender to begin with. The adjustments are very, very specific, and there's a very small movement that's done. And patients reported almost an immediate sense of relief after the adjustment. They usually report a profound sense of well being, they have increased range of motion, decreased tenderness, relaxation of the muscles, and decreased inflammation.
Each time we adjust, we restore slightly more range of motion to that vertebral segment. So that the sessions actually can improve your range of motion, and your spinal function over time.
The adjustments themselves are usually performed on a chiropractic table. And you'll be comfortably lying either face down on the table, or lying on your back face up. Occasionally adjustments are done in a sitting position.
I want to add that there are many different chiropractic techniques, and your chiropractor will choose the techniques that are right for your condition and your body type. Some of the techniques chiropractors may choose are a low force, or non forced techniques. In these cases, you may feel a gentle pressure, a stretching sensation, or a rocking sensation. These techniques are also very effective at reducing subluxation, restoring range of motion, and reducing pain and inflammation.
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