Sunday, March 18, 2018

Does Chiropractic Help Relieve Stress? | Chiropractic Care

One of the things that my patient report to me is that one of the most profound effect that chiropractor has on them is their ability to reduce their stress level and also recover from stress.

Our cranium and our spine house our brain and spinal cord. And all of the spinal nerves that are exiting the spine, innervate every single organ and cell in our body. By adjusting the spine, when we find misalignment, restrictions or what we call subluxations, we're able to profoundly restore normal nerve function. Ad this has a profound relaxing affect on the nervous system.

I like to say that chiropractic care helps nervous system become more highly organized. We noticed that there is a profound shift in the nervous system. Particularly in the automatic nervous system. The parts of the nervous system that functions without our constant awareness. The sympathetic nervous system our the fight or flight response that most people live in all day long, shifts after chiropractic care. And the power sympathetic nervous becomes more dominate. The power sympathetic nervous system is the part of the nervous system we would like to be more active. It's the part of the nervous system that controls the immune system and digestion. It tends to slow the heart rate and decrease blood pressure to normal, So it's very important that we have a dynamic balance between these two nervous system. And chiropractic care is one of the most effective and profound ways I know to balance that nervous system.

The other thing that's really very powerful about chiropractic care is the kind of interaction you'll have with your chiropractor. Really talking about what's happening in your body. My patient report that when they go out into the world after their adjustment, their whole experience of life is very different. They feel very rested but they also feel alert. They fell calm and they're really ready to take on the world.

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